Workshop 1 Vocabulary Cartoons Created by Andy Luna Photo Story Created by JoDee Luna
Communicate verb: to share information. My friend likes to communicate by whispering.
immigrant (noun) a person who moves from one country to another. The immigrants came to America from Europe.
influence (verb) to change or affect something. My friend influences me to study hard.
policy (noun) a rule. My parents insurance policy states I must drive with an adult.
trend (noun) a pattern of change over time. There is a current trend of people losing their jobs
currently (adverb) At the present time. Currently, a hurricane is reported causing destruction.
income (noun) Money from working; I need a second job to raise my income. =
motivate (verb) to make someone want to do something; My coach motivates me to play basketball.
minimum (adjective) the least amount; The minimum age for voting is 18.