Mayors Management Report 2008 New York Christine To, Monica Xu, Mia Su
Agenda 1. What Is the MMR 2. Types of Services 3. Childrens Service Objectives 4. Homeless Service Objectives 5. Department of the Aging Objectives 6. Department of Youth and Community Development
What is the Mayors Management Report?
Services Include…
Human Services Include: Human Resources Childrens services Homeless services Department for the aging Department of youth and community development
Human Resources Objectives
Appropriateness of Objectives Cash assistance has steadily decreased by 26.2% in June 2008 since March 1995 Current obligations collected have surpassed the target of 67% by 3.2% to 70.2%; the 2009 target is 72% indicating that the target is realistic 80% of cases retained employment for 180 days compared to target of 75% Other fundamental initiatives: Welfare to Work Partnership Balanced Budget Act Doubling of the earned-income tax credit in 1993 for low-income workers Access to Jobs Initiative Welfare-to-work tax credit
Appropriateness of Objectives
Childrens Services Objectives
Appropriateness of Objectives
Appropriateness of Childrens Services Objectives Needs Improvement % of children entering care who were placed with relatives: %, % should increase % % of children placed in own community districts dropped to 11.2%, the lowest since total number of children in foster care dropped by 10,000 since Bloomberg administration
Homeless Services Objectives
Appropriateness of Homeless Services Objectives Needs Improvement Single adults placed into permanent housing was 10,323 in the fiscal year 2008 as compared to 9,559 in the fiscal year They surpassed the target for 2008, which was 8,000 despite Bloombergs 5 year plan to reduce homelessness that he made in 2004
Appropriateness of Homeless Service Objectives
Objectives for the Department for the Aging
Appropriateness of Objectives for the Department of the Aging Served more than 2,500 additional clients daily (most were home delivered meals) 6% more of meals served per day in 2008 In fiscal year 2008, served ~4,210,000 home delivered meals Target for 2009 is 4,305,000
Appropriateness of Objectives for the Department of the Aging Number of seniors trained for unsubsidized employment increased by 14% in fiscal 2008 Number of applicants to the SCRIE program has been decreasing since applicants in 2005, 6439 applicants in 2008
Objectives for the Department of Youth and Community Development
Appropriateness for Objectives of the Department of Youth and Community Development Served 1,824 runaways and homeless youth in the fiscal year 2008, with a target of 1,860 Summer youth employment program (SYEP) participants in 2008 were 41,804 and the target was 41,000 in 2009, their target is 40,000
Appropriateness for Objectives of the Department of Youth and Community Development Number of adult participants enrolled in literacy programs increased 14% from fiscal 2007 to 2008 Programs expanded in January 2008 Adult basic education programs went from 9 to 13 The ESL programs increased from 16 to 27
Available Resources For Human resources, expenditures exceeded the target of $8,697.4 million to $8,753.6 million The Executive Budget $2 billion in public assistance costs relevant to the objective of providing cash assistance $680 million spent to supplement the benefits of 652, 000 Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients
Available Resources For Childrens services, expenditures were higher ( million) than the target ( million) Linked to the objective of ensuring the availability and accessibility of child care services in communities
Available Resources The Department for the Homeless exceeded their target expenditures of $785.7 million by $9.9 million to $795.6 million. Increased spending linked to the objective of increasing the number of people prevented from being homeless.
Available Resources The Department for the Aging exceeded their target expenditures of $287.9 million by $11.6 million to $299.5 million. Partly due to $475,000 for the creation of new Caregiver Centers for Excellence to provide assistance to and develop strategies for informal and family caregivers – linked to the objective of increasing supportive services to caregivers. $260,000 for Social Adult Day Services which links to the objective of increasing utilization of socialization opportunities.
Available Resources The Department of Youth and Community Involvement had Expenditures of $401.4 billion which was lower than the target of $406.8 million Linked to the objective of supporting youth development and community engagement through school-based and community- based centres.
Overall Appropriateness of Objectives Most objectives are relevant to achieving goals Too many objectives to focus on Some targets may not be realistic Should focus attention on areas of greater need
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