Mysteries at the department of Human Physiology VU Examiners: Louise Dekker, Selena Mol, Faizel Sukhrie, Julio Klaverweide, Merril Wongsokarijo, David van Diepen, Reina Sikkema, Anne Poorthuis, Wouter Huijzendveld, Daan van Abel and Rick van Nuland Coach: Wietse Vroom Do i have a right here?
We will examine: Laboratory for Physiology Important ethical discussions What are we looking for? The situation in the organisation Ethical consideration Recommendation Conclusion
Target: Department Physiology VU
Why this research? No 1 cause of death: people/year Gene related Unhealthy lifestyle higher prevalence
Important ethical discussions 1.The use of laboratory animals 2.Use of human materials and human bio-banks 3.Community money spent
What are we looking for? Planet –Animal testing People –Guidelines VU, CAO and ARBO (employees) –Privacy and consent (test subjects) Profit –Influence of sponsors
Situation in the organisation Cross-examination of dr. Ton van Lambalgen (Assistant Professor of Physiology ) Some striking results!
Membership DEC Researchers in DEC, can judge there own research proposal! Ethical Conclusion: Wrong! Ethical Solution: researchers are not allowed to take part in the judgement of their own proposal
Exchange lab-animals Lab-animals are shared without knowledge of DEC! Ethical Conclusion: Wrong! Ethical Solution: laboratory “animal-sharebank” for dead animals
Influence by sponsors Manipulation presentation of results Ethical Conclusion: Wrong! Ethical Solution: –External control (difficult) –More responsibility journals
Where is the Planet? Refinement, Reduction, Replacement followed by the rules BUT: because of People and Profit Ethical Conclusion: Wrong! Ethical Solution: –Guidelines reducing waste and energy usage –Awareness employees and students
Conclusion Good following of the rules Some improvements Motivation: only because of People and Planet
Credits: Deze powerpoint is gemaakt door: –David van Diepen Kijk voor meer powerpoints op: – Ik vind het leuk als u een berichtje achterlaat op mijn gastenboek!