Ethernet, IP Addresses and Honeywell Automation Systems
Background – Ethernet Connections Cat-5 Though Ethernet now supports many media, the most common one in use is Cat 5 (Category-5) twisted-pair cable. Maximum distance between nodes is restricted to 100 meters. The maximum distance between any two nodes on a segment cannot exceed 2500 meters The maximum number of nodes on a network is 1024, but actual experience has shown that when the number of nodes on a network exceeds 200, too much of the network’s bandwidth is wasted by collisions.
Background: Ethernet Connections PC-to PC Connections using Ethernet require a crossover cable Or Electrically powered switch/hub/router
Background – TCP/IP addressing Most PCs, Laptops and most modern automation systems include at least one component with an Ethernet connection. All Ethernet ports have a unique addressed called the MAC address, but it is typically not used Common network communication relies on TCP/IP addressing. (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)
Background - (TCP)/IP Address IP addresses are typically expressed as 4 groups of numbers separated by a “.” Each group is between 0 and 255 Each decimal number represents an 8-bit binary group Example: 11000110 00110101 10010011 00101101 The Internet is a collection of networks whose users communicate with each other. Each communication carries the address of the source and destination networks and the particular machine within the network associated with the user or host computer at each end. This address is called the IP address (Internet Protocol address). This 32-bit IP address has two parts: one part identifies the network (with the network number) and the other part identifies the specific machine or host within the network (with the host number). An organization can use some of the bits in the machine or host part of the address to identify a specific subnet. Effectively, the IP address then contains three parts: the network number, the subnet number, and the machine number.
IP Subnet Mask Each IP Address includes a subnet mask Subnet filters RESTRICT Ethernet connections Subnet numbers act as a “MASK” or “Gate” Each subnet segment is a string of leading 1’s and 0s Each subnet segment may only equal one of 8 numbers: 255 = 11111111 (must match exactly) 254 = 11111110 (must match except last bit (2 allowed)) 252 = 11111100 (must match except last 2 bits (4 allowed)) 248 = 11111000 (must match except last 3 bits (8 allowed)) 240 = 11110000 (must match except last 4 bits (16 allowed)) 224 = 11100000 (must match except last 5 bits (32 allowed)) 192 = 11000000 (must match except last 6 bits (64 allowed)) 128 = 10000000 (must match except last 7 bits(128 allowed) 0 = 00000000 (passes through everything! (256 allowed))
Subnet Mask Filtering Example 1: (IP) (255 blocks everything that does NOT match) That’s equal to: 01000001.01000110.00000011.01001001 (IP) 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 (SUBNET) Only allows IP addresses : 0100001.01000110.00000011.00000000 up to 0100001.01000110.00000011.11111111 So this computer may connect to any other with an IP address from up to
Subnet Mask Filtering Example 2: (IP) (block all but 8 computer addresses) That’s equal to: 01000001.01000110.00000011.01001001 (IP) 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000 (SUBNET) Only allows: 0100001.01000110.00000011.01001000 up to 0100001.01000110.00000011.01001111 This computer will only connect with IP addresses from up to
Connecting a Server to the Internet Server is part of a LAN LAN has a switch/hub LAN has a router/gateway for connection to the Internet Account has fixed single IP address Router uses MAP function Fixed Server IP address DSL Router, Gateway & DNS Address Fixed EXPOSED Internet IP MAP setup
Assigning Addresses – Static and Dynamic How are IP address assigned to the node? There are two basic methods; manual and automatic Automatic IP address are generated from a DHCP server or router somewhere else on the network When an IP address is assigned manually, it is referred to as a static IP address. Each time the node is connected to the network, it will use the IP address that was assigned. Windows users assign static IP addresses Start Settings network connections
Changing a Static IP Address with Windows 1. Open Network Connections 5. Select Use the following IP address 2. Open Local Area Connection 4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 3. Select Properties
Direct Connections with Static IP addresses Manually Set IP Address on PC similar to controller’s IP address (within allowed subnet range)
Identifying an IP address on a PC: Start > Settings > Network Connections Select Local Area Connection View the Support Tab (assigned by DHCP In this example)
Identifying IP address on JACE See installation Instructions Remove Cover Set Mode Jumper for Serial Shell Use Serial NULL modem cable on COM-1 Use HyperTerminal software for connection 115,200 8-N-1 On boot up will display Ethernet port address
Identifying IP address on WEBs 400/500 See installation Instructions Set Mode Jumper for Serial Shell Use Tridium adapter cable for COM-1 Use HyperTerminal software for connection 57,600 8-N-1 On boot up will display Ethernet port address
PINGing a computer Utility program built into windows Verifies proper Ethernet IP to Ethernet IP communication Select Start > Run > type “command” to open window In the command window type “ping” where xxx is the IP address to verify communication to Type “exit” to close command box
WEBs Connections Questions?