CAPACITY Composition of the Atmosphere: Progress to Applications in the user CommunITY ESA project 1/10/2003-1/4/2005 Hennie Kelder, KNMI, TUE Atmospheric.


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Presentation transcript:

CAPACITY Composition of the Atmosphere: Progress to Applications in the user CommunITY ESA project 1/10/2003-1/4/2005 Hennie Kelder, KNMI, TUE Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop, 20-21/01/2004

CAPACITY project Goal: Operational atmospheric chemistry monitoring missions Strategy: Produce an inventory of user requirements for different applications. Develop and optimise a global monitoring system for atmospheric composition that integrates space and ground- based observations. Time frame The time frame for this system is , concurrent with the operational use of MetOp, NPOESS and geostationary platforms.

Monitoring: Total ozone

Chemical weather from space Sciamachy NO2 from SCIAMACHY

CAPACITY: basis and challenges Measuring the chemical composition of the global atmosphere from space is a recent development. The chemical composition of the stratosphere as well as the troposphere is amenable from space These data are of importance both for scientific and operational use and for monitoring and forecasting.

CAPACITY: basis and challenges What are the potential operational applications ? How to optimise the potential operational applications?

CAPACITY: consortium Lead: KNMI Partners: KNMI, RAL, U. Bremen, U. Leicester, Astrium, Alcatel Consultants: User requirements: WMO, NILU, RIVM, JRC, TNO-FEL, Ademe, MPI Mainz, DLR, ETH, IUP Heidelberg, CNR-ISAC, Meteo France, DMI, Eurocontrol Mission requirements: LSCE, UiO, USTL-LOA, CNRS-LISA, CNR-IFAC, IMK, SRON, CNRS-SA, Noveltis, BIRA, LSCE, CNRS-LPPM

Overview of workpackages TaskWP-leader ManagementKNMI, Kelder, van Oss, van Broekhoven User Requirements KNMI, Goede Obs. RequirementsKNMI, van Weele Existing systemsRAL, Kerridge Integrated Obs. SystemsLeicester, Monks/Remedios GEO Instr. and Mission reqsBremen, Bovensmann LEO Instr. and Mission reqsRAL, Kerridge Space segment issuesAstrium-D, Mager Ground segment issuesAlcatel-F, Sassier

Summary There is overwhelming evidence and support for Earth System Monitoring and hence for continuation of atmospheric composition sounding from space, inclusive the troposphere, in an integrated approach. The challenges of CAPACITY are : to make an inventory of the needs to identify and review existing and planned Global Observing Systems for atmospheric chemistry To define the system(s) required and identify the gaps to be filled. First step: User consultation workshop January 20/ ESTEC