First ADAGUC Workshop 3-4 Oct KNMI Atmospheric Data Access for the Geospatial User Community
Welcome by director of KNMI Frits Brouwer (KNMI) Agenda & Logistics ir. John van de Vegte (KNMI) Introduction by RGI Space for Geo-Information Arnold Bregt(WUR/RGI) ADAGUC Introduction dr. Frans van der Wel (KNMI) Introduction of project members Scope of Meteo/GIS in the international context prof.dr. Olga Wilhelmi (NCAR) Coffee break Sciamachy features and usage with respect to end-users dr. Christian Frankenberg (Uni Heidelberg) How KNMI meteorologists work with meteorological information systems ir. Jos Diepeveen (KNMI) Data portal project in the “Climate changes spatial planning” programme dr. Fred Bosveld / dr. Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI) Lunch International standards and data interoperability - part I prof.dr. Ben Domenico (UNIDATA) International standards and data interoperability - part II prof.dr. Stefano Nativi (IMAA) Coffee break Dedicated GIS software versus Google Earth drs. Bert Vermeij (ESRI Netherlands) Web services drs. Wim de Haas (RWS/AGI) Application Benefits for the Geo Spatial User community Prof.dr.Michael Schaepman (WUR) Drinks on the house USAGE SOLUTIONS Tuesday 3 Oct - Buys Ballot Room
Agenda Summaries of statements Assignment of splinter sessions (people/goals/locations) parallel splinter sessions: - Converter tools - Atmospheric datasets - Web services / Portals Lunch Continuation of splinters with focus on presentation Presentations of splinters (10 min each) Summary of results Future ADAGUC End of the first ADAGUC workshop SPLINTERS RESULTS Wednesday 4 Oct - Buys Ballot Room
Agenda & Logistics Buys-Ballot zaal GroenzaalBleekerzaal Registration Coffee / Lunch / Borrel in the hallway Toilets 13 speakers: Tight schedule But there will be coffee, lunch, & borrel
ADAGUC project members
Summary of statements Usage - Solutions - Usage - Solutions -
Splinter sessions ADAGUC needs end-user requirements for the following project phase. By assignments and group discussion come to community results. Spinters: Converter tools Atmospheric datasets Web services / Portals Each splinter gives a 10 min presentation of its results.
Splinter Converter tools Input parameters / resolution / timescale Which tools are used Data (file) formats (netcdf, hdf, kml, shape…) Metadata Standards Service Oriented Architecture Security Scalability Integration with commercial OGC/GIS products Open source license Hooking up with a Open Source initiative to keep ADAGUC alive after project Integration with more general Portals What are the desired parameters (Sciamachy)? What are (is) the desired output format ? Converter usage: API-library / output ? Supported platforms and languages ? Session leader: Richard van Hees Groenzaal
Splinter Atmospheric datasets Input parameters / resolution / timescale Which tools are used Data (file) formats (netcdf, hdf, kml, shape…) Metadata Standards Service Oriented Architecture Security Scalability Integration with commercial OGC/GIS products Open source license Hooking up with a Open Source initiative to keep ADAGUC alive after project Integration with more general Portals What are current problems using atmospheric data ? How do you want to use it ? Which datasets should be ‘GIS-ed’ next ? Session leader: Wim Som de Cerff Bleekerzaal
Splinter Web Services / Portals Input parameters / resolution / timescale Which tools are used Data (file) formats (netcdf, hdf, kml, shape…) Metadata Standards Service Oriented Architecture Security Scalability Integration with commercial OGC/GIS products Open source license Hooking up with a Open Source initiative to keep ADAGUC alive after project Integration with more general Portals Which technology to be used ? What existing S/W can be (re)-used ? Project / program cooperation ? Session leader: Frans van der Wel Buys Ballot
Logistics Future ADAGUC !