KNMI research topics
Validation of cloud parameter retrievals from MSG and AVHRR Arnout Feijt, Rob Roebeling Clear-sky shortwave radiation closure Wouter Knap, Piet Stammes Cloudy sky radiation closure Reinout Boers, Rob van Dorland, Wouter Knap Validation of cloud and aerosol data products from SCIAMACHY Piet Stammes, Juan Acarreta, Martin de Graaf
KNMI research topics Evaluating Statistical Cloud Schemes A. Pier Siebesma Entrainment in cumulus clouds A. Pier Siebesma, Stephan de Roode (IMAU) Trigger Function of Cumulus Convection A. Pier Siebesma Top-Entrainment of the (Clear and) Scu topped boundary Layer A. Pier Siebesma Turbulent structure of the convective boundary layer Fred Bosveld (KNMI), Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI), Cindy Werner (G&NS), Jordi Vila (WUR), Eddy Moors (WUR), Alex Vermeulen (ECN),
KNMI research topics Validation of combined lidar and radar derived Ice Cloud radiative and micophysical properties Dave Donovan (KNMI) Occurance of oriented ice crystals Dave Donovan (KNMI), S. Crewell (Uni. Bonn) Quality of Water Vapour Profiles and Boundary layer height observations Iwan Holleman (KNMI), Sylvia Balag (KNMI)
Evaluation of Statistical Cloud Scheme Required: aircraft (Merlin) fast measurements of: specific humidity (qv) liquid water, (ql) temperature, (T) pressure(P) for legs of typically 50 km. A. Pier Siebesma
Motivation: Cloud cover Bechtold and Cuijpers JAS 1995 Bechtold and Siebesma JAS 1999 Data from LES: Pseudo Observations Suggest a one-to–one correspondence between Q and cloud cover a.
How about real BBC2- data???? Determine from flight legs: cloud cover : a Spatial average of: s = q t –q sat (so called saturation deficit) Standard deviation of s: s Construct: Plot against cloud cover a !!!!