LMDz-INCA Simulations AMMA MIP
EmissionsSimulation 1Simulation 2 Biomass Burning Van der Werf et al. (2006) Liousse et al. over Africa. Van der Werf et al. (2006) outside Africa AnthropogenicEDGAR 3.2 (Olivier et al., 2001) Liousse et al.over Africa. RETRO outside Africa. BiogenicGEIA databaseLathière et al.(2005) Soil NOxYienger and Levy (1995) SpeciesSimulation 1Simulation 2 CO [Tg(CO)/y] Global: 1036 Africa: 236 Global: 1165 Africa: 370 NOx [Tg(N)/y] Global: Africa: 6.15 Global: 46.5 Africa:11.88 Isoprene [Tg(C)/y] Global: Africa: Global: 461 Africa: NMHCs [Tg(C)/y] Global: Africa: Global: Africa: TotalsEmissions
1004 hPa CO - LA emissions CO - GFED emissions
Interseasonal variability of B.B. plumes days July August
CO Data CO Simulation1 CO Simulation 2
O3 Simulation 2 O3 Simulation 1 O3 Data
Isoprene – simulation1 Isoprene – Simulation2 Isoprene data
Influence of the Central African region
CO - LA emissions -20% B.B. CO - LA emissions Sensitivity Studies
With-without injection 1km 3km 4km 3km shift
Injection 3kmB.B. CO shifted to the north