Model Interchange Testing: a Process and a Case Study


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Presentation transcript:

Model Interchange Testing: a Process and a Case Study Maged Elaasar, Yvan Labiche ECMFA 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark IBM Canada Ltd. Carleton University Ottawa, Canada

Motivation Issues due to: Modeling tool A Modeling tool B Model interchange import export Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests. Issues due to: Ambiguities in modeling standards Ambiguities in interchange standard Lack of verification of tool interchange capabilities

Outcome OMG members (tool vendors and users) formed a Model Interchange Working Group (MIWG) Objective: to test and improve model interchange between tools. This presentation: report on the activities of the MIWG a verification testing process case study: interchange of UML and SysML models Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Verification testing process Process: defining and executing model interchange test cases Test case: testing an “area” of a modeling language. Large area: e.g., UML Sequence Diagrams Small area: e.g., specific types of Actions in UML Activity Diagrams Execution: defining a reference model exporting it from one tool importing the result into another tool. Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Verification testing process (cont.) Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests. Implementer: resolves issues MIWG: e.g., issue when specifying and creating a test case Revision Task Force: e.g., identified ambiguity in standard Producer: e.g., tool does not support modeling feature, difference between exported model and reference model Consumer: e.g., tool does not import specific feature, difference between re-created diagram(s) and reference model MIWG: Defines test cases: To cover areas of modeling language that are deemed important tools should be able to interchange Experts a small exemplary reference model (image) Experts creates corresponding XMI file Tools generated + editing Producer (each one, for each test case): Manually re-creates model (from reference model image) Exports the model as XMI Exports diagram(s) as image(s) Compares exported XMI with reference one 4 roles: can be played by one or more parties MIWG: defines test cases Producer: creates and exports model Consumer: imports and compares model Implementer: resolves issues Consumer (each other one, for each produced XMI): Imports XMI model Manually re-creates diagram(s) Exports diagram(s) as image(s) for comparison purposes Exports model as XMI for comparison purposes (optional) Test oracle

Issue of scalability Assuming The process involves Plus: N tools T test case specifications (i.e., reference models) The process involves N exports for each of the T test cases, followed by N-1 imports for each export. Linear scalability of [T.N] on export, Polynomial scalability of [T.N.(N-1)] on import Import is partly manual: re-creating diagram(s) Plus: Standards evolve Tools evolve Test suite can be revised, extended Hinders scalability Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Verification testing process (revised) The MIWG agreed that: validating the exported models by comparing them to the reference models testing the import of the reference models should be sufficient. Automated XMI file validation (compliance to standards) and comparisons with reference model Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Case Study Modeling languages selected: UML, SysML Test suite: Market pressure, popularity Test suite: 16 test cases (3/4 for UML) 59% of UML metaclasses 55% of SysML stereotypes Six tools Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Case Study Execution 30 months 1st phase (initial process): 21 months 96 (16x6) exports and 480 (16x6x5) imports Re-exports/re-imports necessary as standards, test cases and/or tools were being revised 2nd phase (revised process): 9 months 192 (16x2x6) imports Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Case Study--Results 1st phase helped uncover major issues tools’ support of the UML metamodel and SysML profile which hindered the successful interchange of models. Showed tools export extra information, or non-standard information Not always expected during import MIWG proposed that tools use the XMI:exporter tag to specify their tool name during export Such that import can be customized Showed tools do not offer consistent support for standards E.g., default values for multiplicity of UML typed elements Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Case Study--Results (cont.) 2nd phase issues/bugs reported by tools for each test case for their first (dashed line) export for their last (solid line) export (test case exports 3-4 times on average due to bug fixes) Overall improvement Some remaining issues mainly due to ambiguities in standards Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Conclusions MIWG has defined and validated a rigorous incremental model interchange testing process Process used in a case study to assess UML and SysML model interchange between six tools Tools’ conformance to the standards increased by 20% Extending test suite to remaining parts of UML metamodel and SysML profile Applying process to other modeling languages Tao: Requirements or Prerequisites? Probably not to have “we assume the following” in the slide, instead you can simply say that our methodology requires:…. This part is also easy to trigger questions. Be prepared. For example, what is the impact if one of the requirements is not satisfied; how practical these requirements are, especially the last two…Any automation can be proposed here? The reason for this assumption is that we try to reduce redundancy between postconditions of the caller and callee, which may result in duplicate DU pairs and would complicate the algorithm for deriving test paths. Also, postconditions can be specified at different levels of precision: More detailed postconditions would contain more data flow information that yields more tests.

Questions? 13