Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire 65+ SNAQ65+ Hanneke Wijnhoven Janneke Schilp, Marian van Bokhorst – de van der Schueren, Riekie de Vet, Hinke Kruizenga, Dorly Deeg, Marjolein Visser Funding: ZonMw
“The problem”: undernutrition Research and policy attention: Recognition and treatment of undernutrition in hospitals & nursing homes Performance indicator Dutch hospitals: SNAQ Little attention older persons living at home
Recognition undernutrition at home?
Societal impact Implementation Follow-up study In 90 test locations in NL (Kruizenga et al, Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group) Follow-up study RCT costeffectiveness of recognition and treatment undernutrition first-line care (Janneke Schilp) National Guidelines “ screening and treatment undernutrition” (Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group) Guidelines: LESA Undernutrition (NHG, V&VN, NVD) Implementation Digital version of SNAQ65+ developed by Nutricia Policy: “Verbeterd Kwaliteitskader”: SNAQ65+ advised instrument Follow-up study Development and evaluation intervention to prevent undernutrition among 65+ with home care (Rachel Vijlbrief) SNAQ65+ “red=undernourished”: health care insurer pays for oral nutritional supplements Implementation In home care organisation cordaan Amsterdam