from the Perspective of Global Businesses Geneva Seminar December 2010 HRI
IOs in a Global Economy Objective: To enhance the capacity of business representatives to understand how the United Nations and other major international organizations in Geneva operate, and How they can adapt the knowledge and tools for effective engagement in the policy deliberations and for the identification of partnering opportunities for the advancement of global business strategies that are mutually rewarding.
The United Nations System General Assembly – 192 member states Security Council – 5 permanent members and 10 members elected for 2-year terms by the UNGA Economic and Social Council – 54 members elected for 3-year terms by the UNGA International Court of Justice Secretariat (Trusteeship Council)
UN Secretariat 44,000 Staff 16 peacekeeping operations Budget of $5.048 billion (excluding peacekeeping) Main points of contact for business: Department of Economic and Social Affairs Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UN General Assembly The main deliberative body of the UN Recommendations on any matter within the scope of the UN Charter Peace and security Political cooperation International law Human rights International collaboration on economic, social, cultural, education and health issues
UN General Assembly Policies and programmes of the UN Secretariat Goals for development activities Approve the UN and peacekeeping budgets Call for world conferences on major issues Admit new Member States Appoint the Secretary-General upon the recommendation of the Security Council
UN General Assembly Meets throughout the year with main session from Early September to mid-December Special high-level summits added to opening of the General Assembly in September Food security 2008 Climate change 2009 MDGs 2010 NCDs 2011 Other special and emergency sessions
Subsidiary Bodies of the UNGA Six main committees Human Rights Council Other sessional committees Standing committees and ad hoc bodies Other subsidiary organs
UN Programmes and Funds UN Development Programme (also coordinates UN presence in the field) Conference on Trade and Development International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO) UN Drug Control Programme UN Environment Programme UNICEF UN Population Fund
UN Programmes and Funds cont. UN High Commissioner for Refugees World Food Programme UN-Habitat UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Newest: UN Women
Other UN Entities of Note Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UNAIDS UN Office for Project Services UN Fund for International Partnerships UN Democracy Fund Research, trainining institutes, UNU, etc.
UN Economic and Social Council Promoting higher standards of living, full employment and economic and social progress Identifying solutions to international economic, social and health problems Facilitating international cultural and educational cooperation Encouraging universal respect for human rights and freedoms
ECOSOC Meetings Coordinates economic and social work of the UN and the specialized agencies and bodies Substantive session every July in rotation between Geneva and New York High-level segment followed by segments on operational activities, coordination, humanitarian and general categories Annual NGO Forums on theme of the high-level segment Other sessions in February, May and October Special high-level meeting in April
ECOSOC Commissions Functional commissions including Sustainable Development Social Development Statistical Commission Regional commissions Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva Others for Africa, Latin American and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific and Western Asia Other bodies (e.g. UN Forum on Forests)
Specialized Agencies with Separate Budgets and Governance International Labour Organization (ILO) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Health Organization(WHO) UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
International Trade and Financial Institutions World Trade Organization World Bank Group International Monetary Fund Regional development banks Bank for International Settlements Financial Stability Board Other specialized financial institutions
Other International Organizations World Intellectual Property Organization International Telecommunication Union Universal Postal Union World Meteorological Organization International Fund for Agricultural Development UN World Tourism Organization International Civil Aviation Organization International Maritime Organization
ECOSOC Role in NGO Accreditation ECOSOC Committee for NGOs Access to meetings of ECOSOC and its commissions UN world conferences and summits With parallel NGO forums Informal, interactive hearings by the UNGA since 2005 Online consultations on special topics
ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 for NGO Consultative Status Response to experience of NGO participation in Rio Conference of 1992 Opened up UN consultative status to national NGOs Major increase in the number of NGOs since then (from 772 in 1992 to 3,287 in 2010) Impetus for UN funding and partnering with NGOs
Private Sector Engagement ICC since 1946 WBCSD since 1992 Global Compact since 2000 Over 200 « Track II » partnerships since 2002
2009 Revised UN-Business Guidelines Greater coherence in selection criteria for formal partnership agreements Embracing convergence between UN objectives and core business operations, including profit-making Formalizing the evaluation of impacts on UN objectives of partnerships with the private sector Adaptation to new economic realities, Alignment with country development agendas, Outreach to small and medium enterprises and companies from low- income countries, and Capacity building for UN agencies to manage such partnerships.
UN Global Compact Worlds largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative Over 8000 participants (5300 businesses) Ten Global Compact principles UN Inter-Agency Team to support the UNGC OHCHR, ILO, UNEP, UNODC, UNDP, UNIDO and UNWomen (UNIFEM)
The Role of the UN Inter-Agency Team to Support the Global Compact Coherence between UN and business activities Complementarity of initiatives Collaboration among the key UN agencies Maximum effectiveness Internalizing the Global Compact principles Guiding role on integrity and activities of the 10 principles
UN System Private Sector Focal Points Annual Meetings April 2010 Agenda covered: Business and the MDGs Disasters and emergencies Integrity and brand of the UN Practical experiences New:
MDG Summit – Inclusive Business Dialogue, 21 Sept Business Action for Africa Business Call to Action The Global Compact Harvard Kennedy School CSR Initiative ICC International Business Leaders Forum UNDP UN Office of Partnerships World Business Council on Sustainable Development
MDG Summit Inclusive Business Recommendations the need for experimentation and room to innovate; the imperative for understanding low-income consumers; the necessity for collaboration; the importance of the right government policies and regulations to incentivize companies to further invest; the need for practical tools and resources to support inclusive business development; the importance of leadership; the necessity for striking a balance between short and long-term business goals, and overcoming infrastructure challenges through innovative partnerships.
UNDP Partnership Bureau Promoting Inclusive Market Development Policy and institutional infrastructure Pro-poor value chain integration Pro-poor goods and services Entrepreneurship development Corporate social responsibility Research on Growing Inclusive Markets Business Call to Action