Commercials and Advertising
What is the purpose of advertising? To get your audience to BUY something
Commercials are designed to sell: Product – A thing. Examples – cereal, cookies, car, jewelry.
Commercials are designed to sell: Service – Something someone can do for you. Examples – mow your lawn, clean your house, pest control.
Commercials are designed to sell: Idea – get you to think about something Examples – Serve your country, vote, recycle
How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional – basic needs and wants.
How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Self preservation – Stay alive and healthy.
Love of family – doing good for your family Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Love of family – doing good for your family
How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Power – makes you more powerful.
How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Patriotism – love of your country. Marines
How to get your audience’s attention: Emotional appeals: How to get your audience’s attention: Good taste – pay more for better quality.
This ad uses what type o emotional appeal?
This ad uses what emotional appeal?
What emotional appeal does this ad target?
Methods to convince someone to buy your product. Propaganda Methods to convince someone to buy your product.
Propaganda Bandwagon – Current fashion, everyone has this product. *Use a celebrity to snag your customer. PEPSI
Jennifer Aniston – smartwater
Propaganda Numbers – ‘We’re #1 in sales’ or ‘We’ve been in business 15 years’
Propaganda Degrees and Titles – ‘Doctor’s agree that this is the best product.’
Five Basic Steps to persuade the audience: Get attention of the audience. Hold audience’s attention. Create impression that a problem exists. Plant the idea that the problem can be solved by use of your product. Finish with strong emotional appeal.
Public Service Announcement PSA – Public Service Announcement. For a non-profit organization.
Commercial Formats Straight sell – State the obvious. This is the product and this is how much it costs.
Commercial Formats Testimonial – This is what happened to me.
What type of propaganda does this ad use? What commercial format does this ad use?
Humor – Commercial Formats Let something funny happen in your Wendy’s – “Where’s the Beef”
What commercial format is used on this billboard?
What commercial formats are used in this ad?
Commercial Formats Music – a catchy tune can get stuck in the customer’s head. Alka Seltzer Coke Oscar Mayer Toys-R-Us Mazda
Slogan - A catch phrase that is associated with your product. Commercial Formats Slogan - A catch phrase that is associated with your product. Taco Bell – Mentos –