The technology in general ZigBee is the name of a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios based on the IEEE standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs), such as wireless headphones connecting with cell phones via short-range radio. The technology is intended to be simpler and cheaper than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth. ZigBee is targeted at radio-frequency (RF) applications that require a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking. This technology can be used for sensor data collection as well for remote control of the Zigbee nodes. Application fields AAL domain: see AAL competence paper of BAY-IKTI Natural field monitoring: humidity, temperature Intelligent building: home automation, home security New energy harvesting field: monitoring of algae fields, geo-energy monitoring and optimization, etc. Human resources Csaba Megyesi representative of the competence Lóránt Vajda research fellow Attila Török research fellow Pál Haraszti research fellow Béla Marián research fellow József Kovács research fellow Competence fields Development of new sensor networks based on same technology Integration of new kinds of sensors if needed Development of new kinds of nodes BAY-IKTI Institute for Applied Telecommunication Technologies Zigbee sensor networks Development board RCM modul EM250 chip Csaba Megyesi representative of the competence He spent his life in R&D and Product Planning of Communication Equipment at TKI Telecom Research Institute, Telefongyár Siemens
Intellectual Property Different application software suits. Development knowledge of such systems Innovation directions Development of equipment hardware and software for contract partners to test the feasibility of selected solutions Research on topics requested for niche market solutions (e.g. sensor data evaluation using empirical rules, non- standard communication between motes) Adaptation solutions of major suppliers to customer requirements Silvergate project (Jedlik Á. Project, funded by NKTH) Partners: INNOMED ALBACOMP Budapest University of Technology and Economics Profitexpert References Lóránt Vajda, Attila Török and Géza Gordos: „Szenzor és mobil hálózati alkalmazások az Intelligens otthon témában”. In Proceedings of the AmDemo2007, Budapest, Hungary, 2007 Lóránt Vajda, Attila Török and Géza Gordos: „Szenzor és mobil hálózatok integrációja. Demonstrator in MobilShow2006, Budapest, Hungary, 2006 Thomas Patzke, Lóránt Vajda, Attila Török: „Evolving Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks - An Assisted Living Case Study” In Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems RCEAS 2007, Budapest, Hungary, November 2007 Lóránt Vajda, Attila Török, András Szabó, Ákos Nagy and Géza Gordos: „Proposal for Intelligent Home Network Gateway Architecture”. In Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems RCEAS 2007, Budapest, Hungary, November 2007 Lóránt Vajda, Attila Török, András Szabó, Ákos Nagy and Géza Gordos: „An Intelligent Home Network Gateway Architecture” In Proceedings of the dEAmo - Tool Demo Session of Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems RCEAS 2007, Poster and Demonstrator, Budapest, Hungary, November 2007 Contact point: Csaba Megyesi, senior research fellow, BAY IKTI H-1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 130., Hungary Tel.: , Fax: