SIDS S – Sudden I – Infant D – Death S – Syndrome
SIDS SIDS: The unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant SIDS is the number one cause of death in infants between the ages of one month and one year Even after death investigation/autopsy and history review, the exact cause of SIDS is not fully understood
Facts SIDS and death of children are among the most difficult patient encounters that health care professionals have SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of infant mortality in the United States SIDS causes nearly 3,000 deaths per year in the United States
Facts 90% of SIDS deaths occur in infants less than 6 months old More often in males More frequently in winter months Usually after being put to bed after being fed Recent history of a cold
Scene Size Up DOCUMENT ALL DETAILS CAREFULLY AND ACURATELY: Clothing, position of child, crib or bed, bedding, objects in bed, any unusual odors, room temperature, medications (OTC or other) DOCUMENTATION OF EVERY DETAIL IS VERY IMPORTANT; ALL DEATHS ARE CONSIDERED CRIME SCENES UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE
Event History Retrieval of a good history: What happened Infant location (who found infant) Interventions (CPR or other) by parents/caregivers When was the infant last seen alive Recent illnesses and past medical history Any meds (OTC or others) the infant has received
Patient Assessment External Appearance with SIDS: Cold skin Frothy or blood tinged fluid in mouth and/or nose Normal hydration and nutrition Lividity and rigor mortis Vomitis is occasionally present ENSURE ALL FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS ARE DOCUMENTED
Risk Factors Risk factors that can increase the chance of SIDS: Formula feeding Premature – low birth weight Prone and side sleeping Large, soft bulky blankets Large objects in sleeping area Soft mattress Tobacco exposure Young maternal age
Scene A SIDS scene can turn into a MCI because you not only have the baby to deal with but also the parents/family/caretakers/etc When talking with others, determine the baby’s name, and refer to the baby by its name instead of “baby” or “patient” Responses from family/caregivers to the situation are not predictable; can range from silence to hysteria
Scene Immediately attempt to gather a family support network Attempt to meet any of the family’s requests within reason This is a most difficult run for EMS; expect a range of emotions from the family; don’t expect the family to understand why you did or didn’t do certain things
After The Call Stress is an unavoidable part of the job; this could be the most stressful or emotional run you will ever take part in CISD should be considered after a SIDS call
Signs of Stress Some signs of stress: Anger/Irritability Changes in eating habits Changes in sleeping habits/nightmares Depression/Inability to concentrate Mood changes Physical illness Withdrawl
Reduce Stress Ways to Reduce Stress: Talk with others about feelings Exercise/balance lifestyle Get plenty of rest Eat healthy Avoid alcohol and drugs Write in a journal Take part in a CISD