Where innovation starts Information Systems IM and OML Master Thesis Projects woensdag 30 november 13.45 uur t/m 15.30 uur, PAV.L10 Pieter Van Gorp


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Presentation transcript:

Where innovation starts Information Systems IM and OML Master Thesis Projects woensdag 30 november uur t/m uur, PAV.L10 Pieter Van Gorp W.F. Rietveld

The Information Systems Group, challenges Up-to-date, complete and accurate information has become a necessity to survive in an increasingly competitive world. Challenges like: mass customization of products and services end-to-end process control dynamic cooperation networks

Mission To research and teach: design, use, and analysis... of advanced information systems... for operational business processes relation KPI <> information/process <> IS IT-driven business redesigns business-driven IT redesigns relation KPI <> information/process <> IS IT-driven business redesigns business-driven IT redesigns

IS MSc Courses 1BM051BM05 Business Process Management (BPM) 1BM101BM10 E-Business Architectures and Systems (EBAS) 1BM161BM16 Executable Models (of Operational Processes) 1BM201BM20 Software Requirements Management (SRM) 1BM401BM40 ICT-Architectures (ICTA) 1BM461BM46 Data Mining and Process Mining 1BM551BM55 Enterprise Information Systems 1BM611BM61 Product Lifecycle Management 1BM651BM65 IT-Governance 1BM701BM70 Healthcare Business Networks

Requirements: 2 IS courses, and… VakcodeVaknaamIMOMLOML-HC 1BM05BPMec1-2, ee 1BM10EBASeee 1BM16ExModeere30-1MG16 1BM20SRMeee 1BM41BISA (ICTA)ec1-2, ee 1BM46DPMeere30-1MG46 1BM55EISeee 1BM61PLMeee 1BM65ITGoveee 1BM70HCBNeecomp

Four research clusters for Master Projects Business Process Management Software Management Health Care X-organizational ISs

Research cluster Business Process Management (& Mining) People: Remco Dijkman, Rik Eshuis, Hajo Reijers (cluster leader), Irene Vanderfeesten, Pieter Van Gorp, Ton Weijters process modeling, workflow management, simulation (BPR), reference models languages ( BPMN, …) process mining Dominant research topics Cooperations: Pallas Athena, Mendix, Magnaview, FlexSim, Fluxicon, Deloitte, Logica, Rabobank, ING Investment,... ExM (1BM16), DPM (1BM46) ExM (1BM16), DPM (1BM46)

Research cluster Software Management People: Rob Kusters, Jos Trienekens (cluster leader), Michiel van Genuchten Management perspective: Metrics, Requirements management, ERP implementation Dominant research topics Cooperations: Philips Medical, ING Amsterdam, ATOS, … SRM ( 1BM20) ITgov (1BM65), PLM (1BM61) SRM ( 1BM20) ITgov (1BM65), PLM (1BM61)

Research cluster X-organizational Information Systems People: Rik Eshuis, Marco Comuzzi, Paul Grefen, Samuel Angelov (cluster leader) Electronic Contracting, Business Networks Architectures for XISs Dominant research topics Cooperations: De Lage Landen, Rabo bank, Capgemini, PinkRoccade, Vodafone EIM (1BB71), EBAS (1BM10), and ICTA (1BM40).

Research cluster Healthcare People: Marco Comuzzi, Paul Grefen, Uzay Kaymak (cluster leader), Ronnie Mans, Hajo Reijers, Irene Vanderfeesten, Pieter Van Gorp safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of operational medical processes within and across institutes Dominant research topics Cooperations: Catharina hospital, Bronovo hospital, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, LIBRA zorggroep, HSK, Salusion, Tragpi, … ExM (1BM16), and HCBN (1BM70) ExM (1BM16), and HCBN (1BM70)


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The Information Systems Group, Invitation >> Choose cluster >> Contact Pieter Van Gorp (me) (coördinator master projects) >> Appointments with mentors can and will be made easily >> … but act fast.. Pieter Van Gorp