August 31, 2009 Information Session MSc in Accounting MSc in Accountancy Postmaster Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (certified public accountant) Prof.drs. J.C.E. van Kollenburg RA You can find this presentation on
Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (1) Objective: completion of the theoretical part of the training needed to legally qualify as a Registeraccountant (in the Netherlands) Duration: two year programme, part-time on Fridays Cost: € 4.200,- per year (current rate) Language: Dutch Number of students: around 60 each year Accreditation: Commissie Eindtermen Accountantsopleiding (
Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (2) Job opportunities: -Public accountant -Internal auditor -Controller -Tax auditor -Governmental auditor -CFO -CEO
Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (3) Programme: -1 st year: -Accounting Information Systems/Bestuurlijke Informatieverzorging -Principles of the audit profession/Grondslagen van het accountantsberoep -Financial Reporting & Financial Reporting Law/Externe Verslaggeving & Jaarrekeningrecht -2 nd year: -Auditing -Financial Statements ICT-auditing/Jaarrekening ICT-auditing -Capita Selecta
Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (4) Entry requirements : -Master of Science or Master of Arts -and sufficient preliminary training in the area of: -financial reporting -accounting information systems -auditing -bookkeeping -management accounting/management control -finance -tax law -Dutch company law
Opleiding tot Registeraccountant (5) Contact for further information: - -Drs. R.C.W. Eken RA (coördinator en studie- adviseur Opleiding tot Registeraccountant) /3422 -Gebouw K, kamer 826 Applications before September 1 st