Permanent access and archives Strategies and actions at the KB Hans Jansen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of The Netherlands
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Topics The e-Depot and agreements with publishers Strategies for permanent access Requirements for permanent archives
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Koninklijke Bibliotheek: facts and figures Medium sized national library in Europe Founded million paper volumes 3 million electronic items Annual budget M€ 37 (AUS M$ 63) Staff 260 fte Deposit library since
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives History e-Depot 1994: inclusion of electronic documents in deposit collection : pilot projects : NEDLIB 2000: contract IBM for joint development 2002: delivery of system (DIAS) 2003: operational 2004: load capacity up to 50,000 articles per day 2004: approx journal articles loaded
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Agreements with publishers Two types: general agreement with Dutch publishers organisation archiving agreements with international publishers: Elsevier Kluwer BioMed Central Blackwell Publishing Oxford University Press Taylor & Francis Group
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Agreements with publishers Archiving agreement: Deposit free of charge Restrictions on access Guarantee to licensees
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Strategies for permanent access Digital objects: omnipresent volatile perishable fertile Actions: refreshing migration emulation
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Requirements for permanent archives Our beacons: Permanent commitment Substantial resources Sustained R&D efforts Economies of scale
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Requirements for permanent archives Conclusions: Number of candidates is relatively small Sharing of R&D efforts
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Strategies for permanent access Three models: Safe Place Strategy LOCKSS Institutional Repositories Strategy
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands Permanent access and archives Concluding remarks Actions in three areas: Development of global arrangements EU Task Force Ongoing R&D Business model
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