General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers Part 61 Visit: quizzes/general-awareness/gk-quiz-part- 61/
1.) Find out which amongst following states had least population as per 2001 Census? a)Tamil Nadu b)Gujarat c)Chhattishgarh d)Sikkim Answer: d) Sikkim
2.) Which one of the following is not a correct statement? a)Sugarcane is the major plantation crop of Malaysia b)Sri Lanka is famous for the production of tea c)Coffee is an important plantation crop of Brazil d)Cocoa cultivation is popular in Ghana Answer: a) Sugarcane is the major plantation crop of Malaysia
3.) More than half of the countrys production of rice Comes from the four States of- a)Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa b)Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, and Assam c)West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh d)West Bengal, Punjab Tamil Nadu and Orissa Answer: c) West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh
4.) Cardamom hills lie along the border of the State of- a)Kerala and Tamil Nadu b)Tamil Nadu and Abdhra Pradesh c)Karnataka and Kerala d)Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Answer: a) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
5.) Sangam Yojana is associated with- a)Promoting communal harmony b)Provision for cleaning of rivers c)Provision of clean drinking water d)Helping the handicapped Answer: d) Helping the handicapped
6.) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan covers- a)All Children in age group 5-15 b)All Children in age group 6-14 c)All Children in age group 4-8 d)All Children in age group 3-10 Answer: b) All Children in age group
7.) Indias largest shipbreaking yard is located in Gujarat at- a)Alang b)Porbandar c)Okhla d)Kandle Answer: a) Alang
8.) Bramha Kamal is naturally found in- a)Silent valley b)Nilgiri forest c)Kaziranga forests d)Valley of flowers Answer: d) Valley of flowers
9.) Poverty in India has been defined in terms of- a)Number of members in a family b)Calorie intake c)Income of the family d)Standard of living o the people Answer: b) Calorie intake
10.) As per the Census 2011 the State with highest proportion of Urban Population was- a)Goa b)Karnataka c)Kerala d)Manipur Answer: a) Goa
11.) Who was the founder of Brahmo Sabha? a)Dr. B.R Amebedkar b)Mukund Rao Patil c)Shri Narayan Guru d)Dr. Rammohan Roy Answer: d) Dr. Rammohan Roy
12.) Protection of which of the following is a Fundamental Duty of India citizen? a)National flag b)Wildlife c)Scheduled Casts/scheduled Tribes d)Village Panchayat Answer: a) National flag
13.) Marriage Divorce and Adoption are an entry in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution under the following- a)List III Concurrent List b)List II- State List c)List I- Union List d)None of the above Answer: b) List II- State List
14.) Centre-State financial relations in India are government on the recommendation of- a)Planning Commission b)Finance Commission of India c)Constitution of India d)National Development council Answer: b) Finance Commission of India
15.) Which is the only State India to have the Common Civil Code? a)Nagaland b)Mizoram c)Jammu and Kashmir d)Goa Answer: d) Goa
16.) Rashriya Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana is mainly concened with- a)Vegetables b)Cereals c)Cash Crop d)Exportable Agriculture produce Answer: d) Exportable Agriculture produce
17.) Ornithophily refers to – a)Pollination by insects b)Pollination through birds c)Pollination through wind d)Dispersal of seeds by wind Answer: b) Pollination through birds
18.) Which of the following is called a royal disease? a)Haemophilia b)Leukemia c)Anemia d)Colour Blinding Answer: a) Haemophilia
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