Mix and Match: A Simple Approach to General Secure Multiparty Computation + Markus Jakobsson Bell Laboratories Ari Juels RSA Laboratories
What is secure multiparty computation?
The problem f(a,b) Alice Bob a b
The problem f(a,b) b a Alice Bob f Black Box a b
Millionaires’ Problem Richie Rich is richer Who’s richer? > Scrooge McDuck Worth $a Worth $b
Auctions Special Edition Furby Special Edition f Furby Bob $810 Alice Cate f Bob Edgar
What’s in the black box?
Trusted third party? Trusted Party We want to do without!
Tamper-resistant hardware f(a,b) Alice Bob b a But we don’t want to rely on hardware!
Secure multiparty computation f(a,b) Alice Bob b a Alice and Bob simulate circuit
Other methods Simulate full field operations gate involves local computation gate requires rounds of verifiable secret sharing Complex Recently becoming somewhat practical
Our method: Mix and match Conceptually simple Simulates only boolean gates directly Very efficient for bitwise operations, not so for others Some pre-computation possible
Some previous work Yao Chaum, Damgård, van de Graaf Use of logical tables (two-player) Chaum, Damgård, van de Graaf Multi-party use of logical tables (for passive adversaries)
Mix and Match (Non-private)
Non-private simulation: OR gate b 1
Non-private simulation: OR gate Alice Bob a b a b a b 1 = ? 1 1 1 = ? 1 1 1 = ? 1 1 a b = 1 1 1 1 1
Alice and Bob simulate circuit Mix and Match f(a,b) Alice Bob b a Alice and Bob simulate circuit
Mix and Match (Private)
First tool: Mix network (MN) plaintext 1 plaintext 2 plaintext 3 plaintext 4 Randomly permutes and encrypts inputs
Second tool: Matching or Plaintext equivalence decision (PED) = ? Ciphertext 1 Ciphertext 2 Reveals no information other than equality
Mix and Match Step 1: Key sharing between Alice and Bob -- public key y Step 2: Alice and Bob encrypt individual bits under y a Alice a Bob b b
Step 3: Alice and Bob mix tables 1 a b Mix network (MN) Permute and encrypt rows
= = Step 4: Matching using PED, i.e., Table lookup b a b a ? b a = ? b a a b = Find matching row
Repeat matching on each table for entire circuit f(a,b) =
Decrypting f(a,b) Step 5: Decrypt f(a,b) Alice f(a,b) f(a,b) Bob
Some extensions Easy to have multiple parties participate “Mixing” and “matching” can be performed by different coalitions We can get XOR for “free” using Franklin-Haber cryptosystem
Privacy and Robustness As long as more than half of participants are honest… Computation will be performed correctly No information other than output is revealed Security in random oracle model reducible to Decision Diffie-Hellman problem
Low cost Very low overall broadcast complexity: O(Nn) group elements N is number of gates n is number of players Equal to that of best competitive methods O(n+d) broadcast rounds d is circuit depth Computation: O(Nn) exponentiations for each player
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