1 JFET Bollen
2 AGENDA Bollen JFET Overview JFET vs BJT Physical structure Working Input parameters DC formula Output parameters Transconductance Ac parameters Simulatioin parameters micro cap JFET Fixed bias Self bias Voltage divider bias MOSTFET Component DC ac
3 J-FET Bollen FET = Field Effect Transistor N-channel or P-channel
5 JFET vs BJT Bollen
6 J-FET vs BJT Bollen
7 Physical structure Bollen There is one PN junction from gate to channel used in REVERSE
8 JFET working Bollen
9 JFET working Bollen
10 JFET input parameters Bollen Vp and Idss In data sheet p = pinch-off dss = drain source shorted or saturated = maximum current
11 JFET DC formula Bollen Solve with abc formula
12 JFET Output parameters Bollen Uds Up = saturated region
13 JFET Bollen JFET is not often used in the ohmic (triode) region If so it is used as an variable resistor
14 JFET output Bollen
15 JFET output Bollen
16 JFET transconductance Bollen
17 JFET transconductance Bollen
18 JFET ac parameters Bollen
19 JFET simulation parameters micro cap Bollen VTOThreshold voltage BETATransconductance parameter
20 JFET fixed bias Bollen Steady Ugs, no variation possible, so we make the same effect with resistors. U = I. R Now we can vary around the bias point
21 JFET self bias Bollen Ug = 0 volt, NO gate current Ugs = Ug – Us = 0 – Ids.Rs Rin = 1 Meg Ohm
22 JFET self bias Bollen Varying Rs = varying the Q-point = operating point
23 JFET voltage divider bias Bollen Ug 0 volt Ugs = Ug – Us = Vg – Ids.Rs, bias is made at GATE and SOURCE
24 MOSFET Bollen Metal Oxide Silicium Field Effect Transistor
25 MOSFET Bollen
26 MOSFET Bollen
27 MOSFET dc Bollen
28 MOSFET ac Bollen