Mini Europe Briefing EUROPEAN CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 8th December 2010 Bill Greenhalgh Cluster Strategy Manager
European Cluster Observatory Cluster Excellence EU Initiative European Cluster Policy Group European Cluster Alliance International Cluster Collaboration - EU Regions of Knowledge (FP7) INTERREG Networks Cluster Innovation Platforms (CIP)Other initiatives Appropriate skills Policy incentives & practical tools Statistics & Services Policy Recommendations Visibility
European Cluster Observatory (phase 2) European Cluster Observatory (phase 2) website launched in September 2010 Easier to use than the previous version Provides more ways to analyse information Access is free of charge Opportunity for Cluster Organisations to provide information about their clusters
Cluster Excellence (1) Key objectives Set up a meaningful set of quality indicators and peer-assessment procedures for cluster management. Develop training materials Set up an approach for quality labelling of cluster management The European Club of Cluster Managers Provides a new opportunity to communicate with counterparts in similar organisations across Europe Early participation will give the opportunity to shape the future development of the Club
Cluster Excellence (2) The European Cluster Manager of the Year European Cluster Collaboration Platform: Key functionalities Mapping and profiling of cluster organisations Mapping and profiling of cluster members Establishing sectoral and thematic communities Searching for new project ideas and financing source Setting up future collaboration with future partners Website still under development
European Cluster Policy Group Recommendations of the European Cluster Policy Group Presented at European Cluster Conference - September Align funding priorities in the EU budget with competitiveness Enhance cluster-related framework conditions, eg the EU patent Review current profile of funding recipients at EU and Member State levels, ie the right balance between support for existing clusters and emerging clusters. Encourage better cluster programmes at the EU Member State level Streamline EU funding for clusters by creating a unified set of administrative procedures. Improve coordination of cluster programmes across EU Directorate Generals Institutionalise the provision of the cluster knowledge/data base Enhance European platforms for cluster collaboration (both virtual platforms such as the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and network platforms such as the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership)
European Cluster Activities New Policies (relevant to programmes from 2014) Europe 2020 Strategy The Innovation Union The Integrated Industrial Policy for Global Competitiveness and Sustainability DG Enterprise Communication on World Class Clusters (December 2011) New Funding Schemes DG Enterprise Internationalisation of Cluster Initiatives Pilot scheme in 2011 Framework programme – FP8 (from 2014) EPISIS project for innovation in services clusters Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2011 Conference – 7th to 9th June 2011 (Debrecen, Hungary)
European Cluster Alliance (TACTICS) The European Cluster Alliance (ECA) For organisations which produce economic development policies or innovation policies and provide funding for cluster development. The TACTICS project manages the European Cluster Alliance Recent ECA meetings have included: Launch of the new call for the Innovation Express funding programme which provides funding to support international collaboration between cluster organisations and SMEs within the clusters. Presentation on the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership which started in 2009 as a pilot project in the CLUNET project led by NWDA.
Transnational Alliance of Clusters Towards Improved Cooperation Support (TACTICS) Cluster policy project funded by PRO INNO Europe programme 3 year project started October 2009 Seven partners: Oseo, France – Project Leader NWDA VINNOVA, Sweden TMG, Upper Austria IWT, Flanders, Belgium VenInn, Venice PAED, Poland TACTICS Project
TACTICS Partners IWT (Flanders) Oseo VenInn (Venice) TMG (Upper Austria) PAED (Poland) VINNOVA (Stockholm)
TACTICS manages the European Cluster Alliance and determines how the Alliance develops as a catalyst for collaborations between regions NWDA leads on the Internationalisation of Clusters including pilot schemes to develop new aspects of cluster cooperation with a focus on non-European countries and links with other EU policy areas such as Eco-innovation. TACTICS will work closely with the other cluster support projects TACTICS Project
TACTICS focuses on six main themes: Fostering international cluster cooperation Channelling R&D/Innovation funding through excellent clusters User-driven excellent clusters Supporting cluster marketing and branding Evaluating cluster excellence Using excellent clusters to address emerging industries including innovative services A Reflection Group has been set up to help develop these themes TACTICS Objectives & Deliverables (1)
Workshops on main themes: International Cluster Cooperation - Manchester 2nd/3rd March 2010 Channelling RDI Funding - Paris 13th/14th April 2010 User-driven Excellent Clusters - Brussels 28th/29th September 2010 Cluster Marketing & Branding - Venice 28th/29th October 2010 Implement pilot schemes to demonstrate the benefits of international cluster cooperation Network with other EU related initiatives eg Regions of Knowledge, Lead Markets, FP7, INTERREG etc Disseminate recommendations and improve policy alignments and impacts Maximise communication opportunities TACTICS Objectives & Deliverables (2)
INTERNATIONAL CLUSTER COOPERATION: The JOURNEY Why Internationalise? Assess Readiness Identify Opportunities Create Strategy & Action Plan Implement Training Identify Partners Develop Trust & Projects Implement Projects Measure Success Sustain the networks Inward looking Local Cluster Outward facing Global cluster Get Ready Take Action Use Networks Utilise Funding
INTERNATIONAL CLUSTER COOPERATION: MAIN ACTION AREAS Better Support for the Internationalisation of Cluster Initiatives (Get Ready) Turbo-Charged Intercluster Initiatives (Use Networks) Funding transnational / international activities through innovative financing mechanisms (Utilise Funding) International Access to Platforms - Pilot Plants, Centres of Excellence etc (Take Action) Also - Better Skills for Internationalisation (by Cluster Excellence though TMG) Handbook for Internationalisation in 2011
Mini Europe: Recommended Next Steps Use European Cluster Observatory (phase 2) Encourage Cluster Managers to join the European Club of Cluster Managers Use the European Cluster Collaboration Platform to find partners and exchange information Policy makers to join European Cluster Alliance Participate in TACTICS Action Areas Participate in consultation on Communication on World Class Clusters and FP8
Bill Greenhalgh Cluster Strategy Manager Tel: +44 (0) Northwest Regional Development Agency Renaissance House, Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1QN, UK Web site: Mini Europe Briefing EUROPEAN CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 8th December 2010