Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Erasmus students at NHL 28 September 2011 Alex Riemersma
2 Bilingual Education Definition of Bilingual Education Why bilingual / trilingual education Mother-tongue & L 2 Models Didactic approaches
3 Mother-tongue “Mother-tongue” versus “state language” Mother-tongue & father language L 2 = second language Foreign language EU policy: Mother tongue + 2
4 Old theory
5 New Theory
6 Definitions Monolingual education: dominant language only Bilingual / Trilingual Eduction: two or more languages taught as a subject and used as medium of instruction Immersion: use of minority (or: lesser used language) as only medium of instruction – the dominant language taught as a subject
7 Why bilingual education? Right on education in mother-tongue Pedagogical development Cognitive development Social integration and cohesion Cultural participation Language maintenance and Linguistic Diversity
8 Models of bilingual education Immersion Systematic split of time Systematic split of subjects One person / one language [Minority language as a subject only]
9 Trilingual education (1) Model used: –groep 1-6: 50% Frisian, 50% Dutch –groep 7-8: 40% Frisian, 40% Dutch, 20% English Systematic use of Frisian, Dutch and English as medium of instruction Interactive language education
10 Trilingual education (2) Results: –Good quality of Frisian –Results of Dutch at the same level at the end of grade 8 as all other pupils in the Nederlands –Results for English slightly better, but not significantly –Self conciousness in English better, but not significantly
Trilingual Education (3) Developments: Growth of numbers & percentages: 2008: 28 primary schools 2012: 50 primary schools (= 10%) 2030: 250 primary schools (= 50%) “Early Bird English” (grade 5; gradde 1) Certification of schools 11
Trilingual Education (4) Challenges: 12 Conitnuity to secondary education Quality of teachers in all three target languages Equity of Testing of language command related to level B2 of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
13 Dissertaasje / Thesis Co-author: Sikko de Jong Promotor: Guus Extra (Tilburg) Co-promotor: Roeland van Hout Theme: Dutch and Frisian language command at the end of primary school
14 Students’ task Presentation of observations Comparative analysis of three languages: - own mother-tongue (in position of minority language, f.e. in kin state); - Frisian; and: - one weaker language; and / or: - one stronger language Power point presentation
15 Regional Dossiers Series > 40 Update every 5 year Online available
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