Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 agenda Inleiding en stand van zaken Demo 1: Instant messaging applied to a meeting WP2 (code generatie), WP4 (context + service discovery + mobiliteit), WP5 (user interfaces) Demonstrator 2: Strong mobility in Traffic Scenario WP6 (strong mobility) Demonstrator 3: Museum Visit: adapt yourself WP3 (performance estimation) en WP5 (user interfaces) Plannen voor komend jaar Napraten, netwerking, drink...
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Projectstructuur WP 8 WP 1 WP fase 1fase 2 WP9 WP mijlpalen M m M m M
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Projectplanning
WP2: Context-Driven ImplementationGeneration T2.2b: Model Transformation Composition Language Integrate Context-Driven Selection Mechanism with Development Lifecycle Selection Mechanism should be transparent for model transformation/code generation, existing components and packaging/deployment Look at Feature Modeling and Domain-Specific Language Engineering (meta-modeling) for variability management Extend context model based on other work packages Allows for selection based on multiple criteria Leuven, 13 oktober 2005
T2.4b: Tool support Integrate research results with existing (eclipse-based) tools Eclipse Modeling Framework/Graphical Modeling Framework ATLAS Transformation Engine Feature Modeling Plugin Generic Eclipse Modeling System Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP2: Context-Driven ImplementationGeneration
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP3, T3.3: Modeling Java workloads at the bytecode level Move away from architecture dependent characteristics Identify key bytecode-level metrics re-use distance object size distribution method types (final, interface,...) polymorphism bytecode instruction type mix...
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Starting idea Statistical analysis of the bytecode level metrics Cluster data and assign low-level new benchmark
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP4, T4.4: QoS-aware services Enhanced context awareness infrastructure: Resource information in context: Enables context-driven QoS Context changes drive adaptation To meet the user’s QoS requirements Redeployment and replacement of components
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 T4.5: QoS-aware service management Dynamic composition of Component Deployment Plan (CDP) Based on Task Models Evolution of the task drives the composition Automated QoS-aware distributed deployment of a CDP Centralized approach Finds a global optimum Difficult to cope with incremental changes Decentralized approach Finds a local optimum Incremental changes are easy to cope with
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP 5, T5.4: Multi-modal interaction Multi-modal interaction Multiple Interaction channels Extending model-based design of the UI to support multi-modal interaction (task-centered) Distribution Model User-centered pervasive interaction User model in service-dependent applications User’s task allocation Collaboration with WP4 (KULeuven) Using task models in component distribution
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP6, T6.2: Progressive Mobility Application moves in parts Permutation of source code to partition code Instrumentation to profile for partitions Partitioning code Ordering of sending sequence Strategies for migration Development of migration supervisor Proactive migration Snapshot and Delta computation techniques
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 WP6, T6.3 Smart Mobility Extend the receiver of mobile app with required functionality Extend existing kernel model to AmbientTalk and implement Identification of Recurring Extensions Determine language syntax Determine semantics
Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Vragen napraten, networking, drink …