Certified Peer Specialist Project Presentation to RSVP Conference “Advancing Certified Peer Support in Ohio” Jack Cameron, Ohio Empowerment Coalition. Walter Hudson, Resilience Advocacy & Associates
Certified Peer Specialist Project Certified Peer Support nationally has become an integral piece to the health care system. CPS is now Medicaid billable in 29 states. Georgia was first to bill in 1999. CPS is also become a contract service to Managed Care Organizations, Mental Health Authorities, and Mental Health Provider Organizations.
Certified Peer Specialist Project Ohio was one of 27 states without a CPS Process- ODMH & OEC were invited to Pillars of Peer Support II, Carter Center in Atlanta (Oct.2010). SAMHSA & CMS convened these states to help them catch up with the 23 CPS Leaders. ODMH & OEC represented Ohio at Pillars II. Ohio & the others developed plans to implement CPS in order to advance it and to prepare for health care reform (ACA) in 2013.
Choosing a CPS Curriculum CPS Design Team Convened in February 2010 Reviewed CPS Training Nationwide: Compared Appalachian Consulting Group Curriculum vs. Recovery Innovations Curriculum Time commitment of the training: 5 days of generalist training vs. 10 days. Cost of the training. Fit For Ohio: which one serves Ohio best? Future Trends: Health integration, prison/jail diversion, “frequent flyer programs”. Which curriculum leads to more peers becoming employed?
Developing a Consensus on CPS Design Team Developing a Consensus on Choosing a Curriculum Choice of Appalachian Consulting Group (inc. DBSA), Recovery Innovations, Ohio Advocates for MH (2007) as acceptable training for Ohio Certification. Choices based upon national reputation, track record for success, sunk costs of existing Providers. Selected Appalachian Consulting Group as the core curriculum under contract for Ohio going forward. Established Grandfathering Process based upon peers who have demonstrated competency and passed the approved CPS tests.
Qualifications For Certification CPS Design Team Qualifications For Certification APPLICATION FORM SUBMISSION Applicant is 18 years or older. Self-identified as a Consumer of public or private mental health services and evidence thereof. Intention to use CPS Training as an Employee, Volunteer, or Advocate.
Qualifications For Certification CPS Design Team Qualifications For Certification TRAINING REQUIREMENT 5 day Appalachian Consulting Group Core Curriculum and the 3 day Ohio Centric Training, OR >>> >>> 10 day Recovery Innovations Curriculum (test passed), ACG Whole Health Training (one day) and 3 day Ohio Centric Training, OR >>> >>> 4 day DBSA (ACG) Training(test passed), plus the ACG Whole Health (one day) and the 3 day Ohio Centric Training, OR >>> >>> 10 day Ohio Advocates CPS Training (ACG Modified) and the ACG Whole Health Training (one day) and the 3 day Ohio Centric Training.
Qualifications For Certification CPS Design Team Qualifications For Certification OHIO CPS TEST REQUIREMENTS – Passing Score Ohio CPS Test for 7 days of CPS Training, OR >>> Recovery Innovations Test AND 3 day test of ACG Whole Health (one day) and 3 day Ohio Centric Training, OR >>> >>> DBSA Test AND 3 day test of ACG Whole Health Training (one day) and three day Ohio Centric Training, OR >>> >>> Ohio combined Test of the 5 day Appalachian Consulting Group Core Curriculum and the three day Ohio Centric Training.
Qualifications For Certification CPS Design Team Qualifications For Certification 20 hours of supervised field experience in mental health recovery program (consumer operated service, peer support service, recovery oriented practice), OR >>> 20 hours of supervised field experience in Veteran’s Services through the VA or community veteran’s service programs that focus on recovery, PTSD, or homelessness, OR >>> 20 hours of supervised field experience in Prison/Jail Diversion Services, OR >>> 20 hours of supervised field experience in Drug & Alcohol Services, OR >>> 20 hours of supervised field experience in a Health Related Environment (FQHC, community health center, mobile clinic, health home, hospital, psychiatric hospital, managed care organization), OR >>> 20 hours of field experience with a statewide advocacy organization (Ohio Empowerment Coalition, NAMI, Mental Health America).
Continuing Education and Testing CPS Design Team Continuing Education and Testing Testing is done by independent CPS testing organization, contracted through Appalachian Consulting Group. Must score 75% to pass the CPS Test. Continuing Education requirement of 20 hours every two years, with mandatory CEU’s in the areas of ethics, boundaries, trauma informed care. Other training in approved areas consistent with CPS employment competencies.
Trending Toward CPS Specialization CPS Design Team Trending Toward CPS Specialization Areas of CPS Specialization Persons With Severe Mental Illness Persons with Alcohol & Drug Problems Prison & Jail Diversion Veterans Persons with Mental Illness & Physical Illness (diabetes, heart disease, obesity, COPD, heart disease), working as Health Coaches, Patient Navigators, Peer Bridgers, etc.
CPS Resources provided by OEC Screening of CPS Applicants. Coordination of CPS Training, Food & Lodging. Supervisory Training for Management & Staff. Testing- scheduling, scoring and certification Continuing Education- provision of mandatory parts & approval of elective training opportunities. Tracking of CPS qualification variables.
CPS Training Fast Facts Total Training is 7 days, 56 hours Involves 4 day Appalachian Core Curriculum Additional three-day Ohio Centric Training, including Whole Health Component. Cost of the training is approximately $800 and includes 56 hours of training, testing, compliance activities, printing & mailing of the certificates, CPS Coaching, and Membership in Ohio Certified Peer Specialist Association. Supervisory Training available to suit vendor needs.
Creating An Ohio-Owned Training SAMHSA BRSS TACS Grant designed to create a new Ohio Training for CPS and Recovery Coaches National curriculum consultant will design the curriculum model with stakeholder input. Integration of Behavioral Health, Addiction and Physical Health Needs. Train The Trainer Program will identify and mentor CPS facilitators. Training Sessions will be done regionally to reduce cost.
For More CPS Training Information Contact : Ohio Empowerment Coalition 6797 North High Street, Suite 238 Columbus, Ohio 43085 614-310-8054 Email at: jkelly@ohioempowerment.org Contact Persons: Jack Cameron, MPA, Executive Director Jcam3215@aol.com or Jessica Kelly, MA, Associate Director Jkelly@ohioempowerment.org