Pioneering Europe 2020 Smart Regions – case Helsinki Region.” Tuula Antola, Director, Economic Development, City of Espoo
competative… (World Economic Forum) innovative… (Economist Intelligence Unit) Finland Finland is one of the most… safest… (Fund for Peace, Failed States Index) least corrupted… (Transparency International) …countries in the world.
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Espoo Helsinki Hyvinkää Järvenpää Kauniainen Kerava Kirkkonummi Mäntsälä Nurmijärvi Pornainen Sipoo Tuusula Vihti Vantaa Helsinki region 14
T3 Innovation Triangle A regional innovation test bed Energizing Urban Ecosystem EUE Research Program 10 industrial and city partners Aalto University 4 years / € 20 million. Heavy infrastructure investments € 5 billion in 10 years
The ”Innovative Cities” program, INKA A new development instrument for policy-makers involved in innovation, supporting a joint effort engaging both national and regional players. Period: The goal of INKA program is to expedite the generation of new, major projects that are not only national in scope but which have an international dimension.
Helsinki Region Thematic areas for INKA Smart Digital Services Climate Friendly Urban Solutions Wellbeing CREATIVITYMEDIA DESIGN GAMING LIVING LABSRAPID PROTOTYPING NEW BUSINESS MODELS