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Presentation transcript:


Introducing Your Hosts at Terradex

Introducing the Presenters Diane Pupa, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bob Axlerad, USEPA Office of Air & Radiation, Indoor Environments Division - USEPA Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP) Carolyn Tatoian and Sam Martinez - California Department of Toxic Substances Control Lenny Siegel, Center for Public Environmental Oversight Bill Ottaway - New York DEC Dan Tatro, New York Office of Child and Family Services Larry Schnapf, Schnapf Law Offices and Adjunct Professor at New York Law School Larry Zaragoza, USEPA OSWER

Agenda Logistics Introduction Presentations Discussion A Video Recording of the Session Is Being Made

Daycare Overview 6,000,000 Children Under 5 in commercial daycare 400,000 Daycare Locations Childcare Centers Family Childcare ~20% Location Turnover Per Year Family Childcare Childcare Centers Source: Excerpted from the 2000 House Ways and Means Green Book, "Child Care" 20% Per Year

Cleanup Overview >550,000 Cleanup Sites in the U.S. Cleanup Progress Varies Its Complicated to Assess the Risk to Children Proximity Factors Pathway Factors Contaminant Factors Data Gaps Cleanup Complete – Restrictions Apply

Presenters Diane Pupa, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bob Axlerad, USEPA Office of Air & Radiation, Indoor Environments Division - USEPA Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP) Carolyn Tatoian and Sam Martinez - California Department of Toxic Substances Control Lenny Siegel, Center for Public Environmental Oversight Bill Ottaway - New York DEC Dan Tatro, New York Office of Child and Family Services Larry Schnapf, Schnapf Law Offices and Adjunct Professor at New York Law School Larry Zaragoza, USEPA OSWER

Address or site search. Click to daycare information Remediation site polygons with buffering. Daycare site inventory listed in buffer with ID, name, address, phone and date.

Discussion Are there other state best practices that should be known about? Can we offer summary views from key stakeholders: Daycare Operator Daycare Licensing Agency Environmental Agencies Parents What are the typical local land use permits (e.g., city permits, zoning permits), as opposed to state licenses, required for daycare operations?

Discussion - Continued Can we compare the challenge of school sites to daycare sites? Can we identify other examples, other than Kiddie Kollege, of unacceptable exposure at daycare to environmental contaminants? Which exposure pathways are critical or hold a priority toward daycare exposure. What is the message to parents as it relates to daycare toxic risk?

Thank You A Video and Attendee List Will be Distributed We Welcome Feedback Bob Wenzlau | J Michael Sowinski Terradex Conclusion