Deltion College Engels B1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/002] thema: your machine ate my card… can-do : kan een klacht uiten, aannemen of doorgeven
Needed SBU: 1 Endproduct: a. recorded conversation between bank employee and customer b. list of 15 words on theme ‘cash machine’ Needed: one more student, cassette recorder, internet and (on-line) dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je over de ingeslokte pinpas bij een bank kunt klagen, en een voorstel kunt doen met betrekking tot het oplossen van het nu gerezen probleem.
Situation On holiday, you are about to withdraw money with your Mastercard “Cirrus” or Visa “Plus” card from a cash machine or ATM. You have inserted your card and entered your PIN correctly. After having waited for some five minutes, it becomes quite clear that the computer system is out of order. However, your card stays inside the machine and you have no money left….
Assignment for 2 students teamwork roleplay Tip: Do your vocabulary work first: see final page of this assignment.
Assignment: You will have to record a conversation between you and a bank employee, after the machine ate your card outside office hours. Think up a heart-rending story why you were hard hit when the bank’s cash machine failed to provide you with cash after closing hours. Together think up ways in which you could get the bank to provide you with a (new?) card as soon as possible. Make sure to lodge an official complaint if you are not satisfied with the bank’s service. Divide roles: one of you works for the bank, one of you is the duped tourist. Record your conversation or present the result in class or to your teacher.
Hint: -Click the following link to familiarize yourself with words connected with using a Cash Machinelink -Make a note of expressions that you may find useful for this assignment. Now think of 15 more expressions in Dutch, to do with ‘geld pinnen’ and translate them into English. Klik om naar begin van de opdracht te gaan