Senior Leadership "It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. - Nelson Mandela
CSLC 2012 CLSC crew to pump you up! CSLC crewvideo and mini presentation
Prims awesome video!
What inspired Raj at CSLC? Mike Pinball Clemons Truly appreciate what you have and then FIGHT for others to have the same. As leaders WE need to form the base and take all the punches, tackles, bruises to raise others up.
We take the weight! Thanks for helping us shine !
Magazine Drive! Liam and Kaitie to present We cant expect to get students pumped up to support us if we cant even be bothered to do it ourselves We must NETWORK our cause! -each leadership student must sell 3 magazine subscriptions or be prepared to explain (written form and/or oral) how you tried to network this cause (who did you speak with? what did you tell them? Did you actually try to ask more people than JUST your parents)its worth 6% of your grade
Hot Dog Eating Event today at lunch People taking attendance are (Katelon Anderson, Daniella, Connor Green)get attendance stuff from me before lunch please Some groups MAY be getting zeros for their event!!! Student Appreciation Group=perfect Senior BBQ group has handed in a typed page that did not follow any of the criteria and 1 P5 from Celina only. Junior BBQ groups has handed in NOTHING and 2 P5s from Alex J and Nick Man First event of the year (Farm)-NOTHING Survivor-NOTHING Tomorrow is the DEADLINE to get it all handed in and make sure you follow the criteria!
October Calendar