Core Research Final FREDERICKSBURG CVB RESEARCH FINAL REPORT Four-phase Tracking Study comparing and Results March, 2008
Core Research Final 2 METHODOLOGY Print questionnaire (2-sided card) distributed at retail & tourist locations throughout the city. Questionnaire and four-phase process mirrors & study for tracking purposes. Results of all four phases compared to prior tracking studies Year: Responses , , ,769
Core Research Final SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS People in party % Gender Women63 Male37 Age Under Times visited % First time times times31 more than 2014 Income Under $40,00010 $40K - $60K18 $60K - $80K18 $80K - $100K18 over $100K35
Core Research Final 4 TRACKING SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS People in party % % % Gender Women Male Age Under Times visited % % % First time times times more than Income Under $40, $40K - $60K $60K - $80K $80K - $100K over $100K
Core Research Final 5 IS FREDERICKSBURG THE MAIN DESTINATION? The pattern is consistent, with over three-quarters of the visitors choosing Fredericksburg as their main destination
Core Research Final 6 STAYING OVERNIGHT More visitors are choosing to stay overnight, a significant difference since the past two surveys
Core Research Final 7 OVERNIGHT LODGING Lodging patterns have changed slightly since the previous studies, with more people choosing an RV Park
Core Research Final 8 LENGTH OF STAY
Core Research Final 9 COMPARING LENGTH OF STAY Over half of the visitors stay for at least two days, up substantially from 2004
Core Research Final 10 PROFILE OF A FREQUENT VISITOR For those who have been to Fredericksburg 4+ times, They represent 45% of all visitors: More women of a certain age than the overall visitor profile, Higher household income than average visitor Shoppers! (62% come to shop, compared to 51% overall) – also more likely to be looking for a great dining experience. They evaluate the Fredericksburg experience more positively than others for all attributes – except variety of attractions. Plan to spend an average of $634, which is up from $431 in the past survey
Core Research Final 11 TOP REASONS TO VISIT Shopping continues to be the top motivation to visit. The restaurants and historic sites are also primary draws.
Core Research Final 12 TOP REASONS TO VISIT Shopping is not as dominant a motivator as in prior years. Touring Wineries is the only activity that has increased substantially since prior surveys.
TRACKING THE APPEAL OF SEASONAL ATTRACTIONS Quarter Romantic getaway 132%27%28% Wildflowers 244%52%36% Peaches 325%31%22% Shopping 370%64%61% Tour Wineries 410%27%23%** Core Research Final 13 ** Wineries attract visitors year-round: Q1 20%, Q2 26%, Q4 27%
Core Research Final 14 PURCHASE PLANS Averages for Q2 + Q3: 2007 $ $ $317
Core Research Final 15 EXPECTATIONS: Images Test is Consistent Fredericksburg continues to make the strongest impact as a place with Texas Hospitality and unique accommodations. Exceeded expectations only, excludes no opinion
Core Research Final 16 VISITORS HOME CITY It appears that our top metro share has decreased substantially, in favor of a wider range of hometowns throughout the country (22%) and abroad (8%).
VISITORS HOME CITY Our top metro shares have decreased, in favor of a wider range of hometowns throughout Texas and the country. Core Research Final 17
Core Research Final 18 SOURCES OF INFORMATION Word of mouth is still the best medium, and Internet sites and publications remain constant
CONCLUSIONS The visitor profile remains consistent, but are now more likely to come from: higher income homes non-metro areas. Visitors are planning to stay longer and spend more than in prior years. Visitors continue to enjoy their experience – especially the Texas hospitality Motivations for visiting are consistent – with shopping topping the list, but Winery tours are becoming a bigger draw. Core Research Final 19