What is a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP)? A Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) is a single Qualified Retirement Plan housing multiple different "adopting employers" with common retirement savings objectives. This unique type of plan construct offers numerous advantages and administrative efficiencies when compared to a typical stand-alone plan sponsored by a single employer.
Employer Advantages in a MEP 401(k) Plan vs. Traditional 401(k) Fiduciary Liability: While Employers retain full fiduciary liability in Traditional 401(k)s, MEP employers outsource the role of plan sponsor as well as all associated fiduciary responsibilities. Expenses: Traditional 401(k) plans can be costly in terms of fees and administrative costs. MEPs employers generally enjoy greater economies of scale. Annual Filings: Traditional 401(k) plan sponsors must file IRS Form 5500 and may have to perform an expensive and cumbersome IRS audit while MEP employers are relieved of these responsibilities as well as the associated costs.
Who Retains Fiduciary Liability? Traditional vs. MEP Who Performs Annual Audit? Who Files Form 5500? Who Retains Fiduciary Liability? Traditional Multiple Employer Plan Employer Employer Employer Prevailing Asset Management Prevailing Asset Management Prevailing Asset Management
Plan Structure Plan Sponsor: Prevailing Asset Management Directed Trustee /Custodian of Assets: Financial Advisor: Online Administrator: ABG / Pentegra Corporation:
Prevailing Multiple Employer Plan Features The Prevailing Multiple Employer Plan was designed to provide adopting parties a flexible, high quality and socially responsible platform. Some of the plan’s features are inherent while many others are customized at the pleasure of the adopting employer.
Prevailing Multiple Employer Plan Features Plan Level Features: Normal Default Retirement: Age 55 Online Enrollment and Account Access: Yes Hardship Withdrawals: Available 5500 Tax Filing / IRS Audit responsibility: Prevailing Asset Management, LLC Startup Fees: None Annual Document Fees: None Per Head Administrative Fees: None Hard Dollar Fees to Participating Employers: None* (all fees are soft dollar from plan assets) Accepts Rollover Funds from: Section 401, 403, 457 Plans Traditional, SEP, SARSEP, and SIMPLE IRAs
Prevailing Multiple Employer Plan Options Employer Level Options: Loans Retirement Age Vesting Participation Requirements Matching In Service Withdrawals Eligible Compensation Roth Status Safe Harbor Status Segregation of Prevailing Wage / Davis Bacon / Employee / Employer deferrals by Schedule A
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Advantages Employee Benefits Employer Benefits Superior Investment Options Lower Costs Professional, Individual Investment Advice Dedicated Service Team User-Friendly Online Platform Flexible Plan Features Employer Benefits Fiduciary Liability is removed Economies of Scale: lower costs Eliminates form 5500 filing Removes audit responsibility Significantly Decreased Employer Burden Fully Compliant with DOL 408(b)(2) (New Disclosure Rules Effective 7/1/2012)