Prosecution Lunch Patent January 2011
Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program Requirements –A non-provisional meeting filing-date standards and claiming benefit from a provisional –A request to participate in the program –No non-publication request Basic filing fee, declaration, papers in condition for publication should be filed Design, provisional, national stage, PCT, reissue applications not eligible
Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program If program requirements satisfied: –Notice of Missing Parts sent out –Gives 12 months to pay search, examination and excess claim fees plus surcharge –On response to Notice, application goes in the examination queue based on its actual filing date If filing fee, declaration missing, or papers not in condition for publication: –Notice of Missing Parts sent –Gives two months (extendable) to submit filing fee, declaration, papers –Gives 12 months for other fees
Invalidity StandardMicrosoft v. i4i Cert. granted November 29 Issue: clear and convincing evidence needed to invalidate? Microsoft: lower standard appropriate where the evidence not considered by PTO Note KSR: rationale for validity presumption, PTOs expertise in approving claims, seems much diminished" if patentee did not disclose key prior art to PTO
Invalidity StandardMicrosoft v. i4i Did i4i make a 102(b) sale (undisclosed to PTO)? Inventors: sold item lacked features of their invention M. relied on former i4i employee testimony and inventors written statements suggesting that sold item did have one of the features; source-code for the item unavailable FC: jury had sufficient evidence to rule that the patent was not barred
International Exhaustion Costco Wholesale Corp. v. Omega S.A. (12/13/2010) Legitimate watches bought abroad, imported to US; Omega argued that is infringement of US copyright First sale doctrine: can resell ones legitimate item 9th Cir.: N/A to foreign-made copies bought abroad (© is territorial; foreign sale did not exhaust US ©) S.Ct.: 4–4, w/o opinion; affirming but not precedent Our unanswered questions... remain unanswered.
Appeal Practice: Silence Implies Consent Ex parte Njo, No (BPAI 2010) Appellants and Examiners brief filed, but appellant did not file reply brief BPAI: This absence... suggest[s] that such inaction may constitute acquiescence in the Examiners [briefed] arguments. Silence implies assent. (quoting Harper and Row, 471 U.S. 539 (1985). Appellants rebuttal in reconsideration request should have been in a reply brief, are untimely
Claim DraftingJoint Infringement Akamai Tech., Inc. v. Limelight Networks, Inc. (FC 2010) Joint infringement requires agency relationship or contractual obligation to do relevant steps Issue arises when steps of method claims not carried out by a single party –E.g., claim includes steps A, B, and C, but A & B done by one party and C done by another Here, at least one claim step performed by another (customers)
Claim DraftingJoint Infringement Ptiff: deft (1) gives customers instructions for steps, (2) offers technical assistance, and (3) contract has them perform steps if they use defendants service FC: essential whether relationship between the parties is such that acts of one may be attributed to the other –Joint infringement only if an agency relationship between the parties... or when one party is contractually obligated to the other to perform the steps Rejected both theories –Insufficient evidence that customers do steps as agents for defendant –K merely explains that the customer will have to perform the steps if it decides to take advantage of the service
Claim DraftingJoint Infringement When drafting method claims, consider whether one party will perform all steps FC: address multiple party issues by proper claim drafting; A patentee can usually structure a claim to capture infringement by a single party May be possible to correct a claim via reissue
Everything that can be Invented has been Invented Attributed to Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office in But is it apocryphal? Researcher discovered an 1899 edition of Punch, with a dialogue in a publishers office regarding The Coming Century –Genius: Isnt there a clerk who can examine patents. –Boy: Quite unnecessary, Sir. Everything that can be invented has been invented. Or, go back to Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Thanks to
Prosecution Lunch Patent January 2011