If Not You,Then Who? Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling Advocacy Day Lansing April 11, 2013
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
Whos Here? Elementary school counselors Middle/Jr High school counselors Secondary school counselors Guidance directors Graduate students Community Based Organizations Independent counselors College Admission Counselors Other
Checking In Who has been here before? Who had trouble getting release time or took personal time to be here? Who went into this profession passionate about advocacy? Who thinks that your efforts today will make a difference in the lives of your students?
So Why Me? What Can I Offer You? School Counselor and K-12 Director of School Counseling 20 years in the profession Leader – local, state, regional & national Advocate for students, school counselors and our profession Passionate about school counselor pre-service preparation in relation to college admission counseling
Three Questions 1. What do we need from school counselors in 2013 in regard to college going and persistence? 2. Why do we need an advocacy day? 3. Why are you here today?
Advocacy Who do we advocate with? Colleagues Administrators School boards Parents Community members Strangers Elected officials/policy makers
Advocating for our profession Talking about what school counselors do Demonstrating with data our impact on student success and achievement Sharing our program results with stakeholders Going to meetings Using social media to inform/motivate others Writing letters to the editor Submitting press releases with photo ops Invite policy makers to school counseling events
Advocating for your school counseling program Who do you talk to about what your program is doing? What data do you have that impacts student success and achievement? Where do you share your program information, goals and successes? Staff/school School Board Community newspaper, local cable station Community groups – PTA, Rotary, Realtors
What is your elevator speech? School counselors ensure that all students achieve at their highest level possible. They collaborate with teachers, administrators, family members and service providers outside of the school to provide services and support necessary for student access and success. They advocate for every student to ensure their academic, career and persona/social needs are met. School counselors are leaders and systemic change agents in their schools, working with all stakeholders to ensure that they are using data and evidence based practices that inform decision making and produce results. They are the glue that holds a school together and are super heroes.
Leadership What does a leader look like in 2013? Someone who has a passion has a vision is willing to make a commitment of time, talent & treasures wants to make a difference
Why be a School Counselor Leader There are numerous opportunities at the local, state and national level Change is in the air – the time is NOW It helps your students and families and brings recognition to your school counseling program If not you, then who? Why Not?
2013 Leadership Challenges Limited time Lack of interest among members Too busy; too much work; not appealing List of challenges is great Lack of interest among members Limited resources to do the job well
College Admission Counseling Coursework Advocacy 43% of school counselors spend more than 20% of their time on post secondary education admissions & selections 49% on course selection 33% on attendance, discipline and personal problems NCES High School Guidance Counseling, 2003
College Admission Counseling Coursework Advocacy (continued) Our graduates are no longer meeting the needs of the schools Not getting interviews Not getting jobs New counselors are not assigned to juniors & seniors needing college admission counseling services College counseling services have been outsourced Times have changed; very complex process
College Admission Counseling Coursework Advocacy 96% of school counselors felt that assisting students in the college search, application and selection process was very relevant; Yet only 66% of respondents had received some sort of training during the past year 24% said they received graduate coursework in college admission, higher education and/or enrollment management NACAC, 2004
College Admission Counseling Coursework Advocacy (continued) Achievement gaps exist that only school counselors are equipped to remedy Students from low socioeconomic status relied on high school counselors as the single most consulted source of information about college (Cabrera & LaNasa, 2000)
Why Is College Admission Counseling Coursework Needed? (continued) It is COUNSELING!!!! It is related to ASCA Standards – counselors help students in development of personal/ social/career planning goals The process leads to counseling of other often embedded concerns
Another Question What is one thing you can commit to right now to create change for our profession?
Next Steps What can you contribute to ensure all students in Michigan have a qualified school counselor? How does the profession move forward? When do we do this? Who else needs to be on the bus?
Next Steps (contd) What questions do you have? What challenges do you face as an mover & shaker? What resources do you need? Create your own action plan
Leadership Resources Good to Great – Jim Collins Good to Great & the Social Sectors How the Mighty Fall – Jim Collins Fish: Remarkable Way to Boost Morale & Improve Results – Stephen Lundin The Disney Way – Bill Capodagli & Lynn Jackson
For More Information….. Bob Bardwell School Counselor & Director of Guidance Monson High School 55 Margaret Street Monson, MA x