A new unified boundary-layer scheme for RACMO: The DualM-TKE scheme Stephan de Roode with contributions from Geert Lenderink Roel Neggers Reinder Ronda Wim de Rooy Pier Siebesma Bert van Ulft Martin Koehler (ECMWF)
EDMF: from fundamental turbulence studies to 3D RACMO simulations 1. Design dualM-TKE scheme 2. SCM results for Cabauw 3. Outlook Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Models Cloud Resolving Models (CRM) Single Column Mode (SCM)l Versions of Climate Models 3d-Climate Models NWP’s Time range for developing new scheme is more than 10 years
The Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux (EDMF) scheme Nonlocal transport through strong updrafts in clear and cloudy boundary layer by advective Mass Flux (MF) approach Remaining (local) transport done by an Eddy Diffusivity (ED) approach ED MF
Advantages of EDMF One updraft model for : dry convective BL, subcloud layer, cloud layer. No trigger function for moist convection needed No switching required between moist and dry convection needed Easy and natural transition to neutral and stable PBL Possible extension to deep convection Courtesy: Martin Kohler (ECMWF) Further Reading: Soares et al QJRMS (2004) Siebesma et al JAS (2007) De Rooy and Siebesma Accepted for MWR (2008) Neggers et al (submitted to JAS)
Status EDMF Status ECMWF model : Ready. Running in Test Suite. ( Roel Neggers) RACMO model: Ready. Will be used in next climate scenario runs (Stephan de Roode, Geert Lenderink) Harmonie: Final checks in Single Column Model mode. 3D tests will start early (Wim de Rooy, Sylvie Malardel)
Running Single Column Models (SCMs) for the Cabauw column - use RACMO 3D large-scale forcing for Run three SCM versions with RACMO 3D forcing ECMWF Cycle 31R1 Cycle 31 with dualM (future ECMWF version) RACMO dualM-TKE - Reset to RACMO3D profiles every 24 hours at 0000 UTC - differences in modeling results are due solely to differences in the turbulent transport schemes
PDF LWP for low clouds only C31-R1 dualM-TKE C31-dualM
Cloud base level PDFs C31-R1 dualM-TKE C31-dualM
Outlook RACMO 3D dualM-TKE has been implemented in 3D RACMO and is running - compare cloud statistics with observations (CloudNet, MSG-SEVIRI) - verify stable boundary layer structure, e.g. Baas et al. (2008), parameterization test bed Roel Neggers Simulate Hadley circulation (e.g. EUROCS Pacific case) Clouds and radiation - Consider implementation of new ECMWF Cycle 32 Monte-Carlo Independent Column Approximation (McICA) radiation scheme