E-frame: A European Framework for Measuring Progress Gosse van der Veen Director General, Statistics Netherlands Co-chair E-frame consortium Eframe conference.


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Presentation transcript:

E-frame: A European Framework for Measuring Progress Gosse van der Veen Director General, Statistics Netherlands Co-chair E-frame consortium Eframe conference “European Conference on Measuring Well-Being and Fostering the Progress of Societies” June 26-28th 2012 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek


1.Stocktaking of available results and of ongoing research activities on the measurement of well-being and societal progress 2.Fostering European debate 3.Defining guidelines for the use of existing indicators 4.Proposing a coherent way of “delivering” information (areas of interest, statistical information) 5.Identifying new topics to be put at future research agendas 6.Harmonising National Statistical Institutes initiatives in progress measurement area General objectives Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Project organisation Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Workshops and conferences Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Take on board international initiatives (Stiglitz report, OECD, Eurostat Sponsorship group, TFSD, Rio+20) Workshops and two large conferences –Initial Conference, June 2012, OECD –Final Conference, February 2014, Statistics Netherlands Process Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Results from individual work packages Major reports –Stocktaking report on measuring progress and sustainable development –Handbook of measuring progress –Roadmap for future research Final conference Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

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