1 Nov 29, 2005 JMS Aino Andriessen
2 Nov 29, 2005 Messaging a-synchrone communicatie Publish-Subscribe Messaging Point-To-Point Messaging
3 Nov 29, 2005 Point to Point Queue
4 Nov 29, 2005 Publish - Subscribe Topic (non) durable
5 Nov 29, 2005 JMS javax.jms verzameling interfaces Connection Session MessageListener MessageConsumer en Producer Queue Topic Implementatie is dus nodig IBM MQ,Tibco,Sonic, ActiveMQ, Oracle AQ,... Vaak als EJB Message Driven Bean (MDB)
6 Nov 29, 2005 Architectuur
7 Nov 29, 2005 JMS - Primary features The primary features of JMS are as follows: Connection Factories are used in JMS to create connections to a specific JMS provider. In JMS, both Publish-Subscribe Messaging and Point-To-Point are implemented and defined by separate interfaces so that a Provider does not have to support both. JMS defines the concept of a Topic or a Queue as the target for a Message. Topics are used for Publish-Subscribe Messaging. Queues are used for Point-to-Point Messaging. The Providers’ code is defined by interfaces in JMS, freeing the implementation from the limitations of subclassing. JMS provides support for distributed transactions.
8 Nov 29, 2005 Demo Laptop Suse VM TEST.FOO ActiveMQ ( :61616) consumer producer jms api jms api Message Listener
9 Nov 29, 2005 'poor man messaging' java.util.Queue
10 Nov 29, 2005 More info