Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 1 Beyond-HD-Resolution Cameras & Their Workflows NHK STRL open house Sony F65 Bayer 4K
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 2 Panasonic 150-inch/3.8-m plasma TV at 2008 Consumer Electronics Show 4096x2160 One Heck of a Home TV 2006 August 16, Stan Glasgow, pres. Sony Electronics, next big leap in HD [beyond 1080-line] could be 3-5 years could be 3-5 years 30-cpd (1862) 20/20 (6/6) vision matches 1080-line rez at ~ 9 70-inch:1080-line::140-inch:2160-line
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 3 based on 20/20 vision HDTV2K courtesy of ARRI, used with permission
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 4 Problems with 30-cpd Theory Edges Edges 3 chart lines below 20/20 3 chart lines below 20/20 April 2008 SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal: April 2008 SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal: NHK Research on Human Factors in UHDTV possible to distinguish between 78 and 156 cpd possible to distinguish between 78 and 156 cpd 156 cpd is more than five times the 20/20 criterion 156 cpd is more than five times the 20/20 criterion realness is a function of image detailrealness is a function of image detail rises rapidly to 50 cpd rises rapidly to 50 cpd continues rising through 156 cpd continues rising through 156 cpd
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 5 Beyond-HDTV Spatial Resolution Cameras from: Cameras from: ARRI, Astro, Canon, Dalsa, Hitachi, Ikegami, JVC, Lockheed-Martin, Meduza, NHK, Olympus, Red, Sony, Vision Research ARRI, Astro, Canon, Dalsa, Hitachi, Ikegami, JVC, Lockheed-Martin, Meduza, NHK, Olympus, Red, Sony, Vision Research Displays from: Displays from: CMO, JVC, LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba CMO, JVC, LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba Other gear: Other gear: codecs, recorders, up- & down-convert, production switchers codecs, recorders, up- & down-convert, production switchers
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 6 Beyond HD Advantages More detail More detail Reframing/stabilization Reframing/stabilization Single-sensor 3D Single-sensor 3D Increased Increasedsharpness Desired HD Skewed HD Resulting HD 4k Zepar S3D lens on VR Phantom 65
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 7 Real MTF Curves EOS 10D 3072 x 2048 EOS 20D 3504 x % linear increase in sensors courtesy Bob Atkins used with permission
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 8 Real-World Sharpness Change EOS 10D 3072 x x 2048 EOS 20D 3504 x 2336 courtesy Bob Atkins used with permission Also Disadvantages Also Disadvantages lens qual., sens., dyn. range lens qual., sens., dyn. range compensate with larger sensor compensate with larger sensor or lower resolution or lower resolution data-rate rises by square of linear rez rise data-rate rises by square of linear rez rise compressed increase should be much less compressed increase should be much less
Mark Schubin, HPA Technology Retreat, 2012 February 15 9 The Panel ARRI ARRI Canon Canon JVC JVC Red Red Sony Sony Vision Research Vision Research Panasonic Panasonic For more intro (including high frame rate, high dynamic range, and a tiny bit on S3D), download Beyond HD at