second GML relay
2 nd GML relay Netherlands Society for Earth Observation and Geo-informatics TDN, Emmen NL 13 December 2002
Last KvAG event? 1 January 2003: KvAG GIN (geo-info NL) However, more KvAG/GIN events will follow in 2003: 12 June 2003: European geo-info projects (together with NCG), TNO-NITG, Utrecht 18 Sept 2003: Sub-surface geo-infomation RWS-MD, Delft
Program welcome by chairman (Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft) 13.05introduction GML Top10NL (Marian de Vries, TU Delft) Intergraph presentation (Bart Hoogenraad) Intergraph relay (Frank Langelaan) FME presentation (Hans van der Maarel, eXQte) Bentley presentation (Oscar Custers, Bentley) FME/Bentley relay (Hans van der Maarel, eXQte/ Kees van Prooijen, Bentley)
14.45 break
Program ESRI presentation (Jeroen van Winden) ESRI relay (Jeroen van Winden) Snowflake presentation (Eddie Curtis) Oracle presentation (Albert Godfrind) Snowflake/Oracle relay (Eddie Curtis, Albert Godfrind) LaserScan presentation (Paul Hardy) LaserScan relay (Paul Hardy) Closing discussion and drinks
GML relay rules Language(s): English and XML Each participant: 15 min presentation and 1.Read GML document from previous participant 2.Perform some editing 3.Write GML document for next participant Floppy disk will be used to transfer data Every participant may start with the initial GML document, problems will be resolved off-line:
10/17/ :39 PM 12,891 feature.xsd 07/29/ :09 PM 14,458 geometry.xsd 07/29/ :10 PM 5,547 xlinks.xsd 04/25/ :52 PM 2,356 metadata2.0.xsd 11/13/ :47 PM 38,403 tdn_strict2.1.xsd 04/25/ :52 PM 7,972 metadata.xml 11/13/ :43 PM 482 README 11/13/ :48 PM 3,138,840 tielEstafette1.gml GML relay data: Top10NL (Tiel) More on the GML relay data by Marian de Vries, TU Delft