GML Relay 2006 ESRI Nederland b.v. Miloš van Leeuwen Consultant
ESRI: standards based Platforms: Windows, UNIX and Linux Application servers: Windows, Java/J2EE, UNIX and Linux; databaseserver, mapservers, GIS application server Databases: Oracle, IBM DB2, Informix, SQL Server, MS Access Networking: TCP/IP, HTTP/S Development: Both desktop (Visual Basic, C++,.NET), Java (J2ME, J2SE, J2EE, JSP) and web (ASP, JSP, Cold Fusion, XML,.NET) Web Services: Multiple standards including XML, SOAP, UDDI and WSDL; multiple web API’s including WFS, WMS, XML en GML Handheld devices: Windows CE, Pocket PC, Web browsers, J2ME and IEEE Portals: JSR-168
OGC Participation Principal member Actively participates: Technical Committee Planning Committee Board of Directors All three OGC programs Interoperability program Standards program Community Outreach and Adoption program Current chair or co-chair Metadata Working Group (WG) Location Services WG Web Feature Service WG Simple Features Revision Working Group (RWG) GML Simple Features RWG Sponsors Open Location Services Initiative
OGC Registered Products Actual list doesn’t fit on the slide… over 80 references
OGC in standard software (1/4) ArcObjects is Simple Feature compliant ArcSDE is Simple Feature compliant SQL Types and Functions Binary schema
OGC in standard software (2/4) ArcGIS Desktop is WebMap Server (WMS) client ArcGIS Desktop is Styled Layer Description (SLD) client
OGC in standard software (3/4) ArcIMS is WebMap Server (WMS) provider ArcIMS supports Geography Markup Language (GML)
OGC in standard software (4/4) ArcGIS Desktop supports Geography Markup Language (GML) ArcGIS Desktop supports Web Feature Services (WFS)
Scheduled for 9.2 SF-GML out-of-the-box No need for Data Interoperability extension WFS client out-of-the-box Data interop Extension / FME components in the engine. create schema translations etc. Design with the workbench tool on the desktop and then use it within the server framework Similar to running a model on the server And of course Google Earth… Read and write KML/KMZ Server data directly from ArcGIS Server into Google Earth without exporting to a file first 9.2 status: in beta now
Overview ESRI is fully committed to interoperability ESRI devotes significant energy to standards Ensuring standards support our users needs Ensuring standards support interoperability Ensuring our knowledge of standards Part of our business model - flexibility ESRI is more involved in geospatial standards than many users realize