FREE TIME IN HOLLAND Lukas Artim Hanka Suchackova
Afternoons In the afternoon you can do: - Go swimming - Be on the internet - Watch TV - Go cycling - Visit friends - Play games [ pc, tv ] Play farmer’s golf
Evenings In the evening you can do: - Go out with friends - Go to the disco or pub - Play games [ pc, tv ]
Weekends - Visit new places [ Amsterdam, Rotterdam, see the sea, Den Haag ] - Sleep to 2 o’clock afternoon - Stay at home and relax Amsterdam Den Haag
Like Dislike - Food - Very peaceful and friendly people - Nature - Culture - Architecture - Bicycles - Weather [ very cold and very windy ] - Beers [ very small and very expensive ]
Dank u wel Voor het opletten Dekujeme za Vasi pozornost Thank you for your attention Grazie per la vostra attenzione