Greening Construction O’Hare and McGovern Date: October 2013 Breda McAteer MCIOB Quality & Sustainability Manager
Ben Ainslie 8-1 down 4 times Olympic winner in the team Beat Team New Zealand 9-8
Course Agenda SWMP Future Direction O’Hare & McGovern Why go Green Accreditations ISO 14001 SWMP Future Direction BES 6001 BREEAM Social Clauses
O’Hare & McGovern Established in 1972 D&B, PPP, Traditional procurement Markets in Scotland, England, IOM, Ireland Portfolio Universities, Colleges & Schools Health Care and Leisure Commercial General Contracting
Omagh College -Design & Build
QUB Library
Radisson Hotel
Wedding Cake & Government Isle of Man
Antrim Civic Centre
Down District Council
Why go Green? Competitive advantage Cost savings Accreditations Answering questions for submissions Cost savings Management of processes & staff Legal compliance Improved Corporate image
Green Strategy Planning Accreditation to ISO 14001 Integrate into Core Management System
Plan Integrated Management Procedures Policies, Objectives & Targets Environmental Risk Assessments Register of Legislation Action Plan Check Act Do P D A C Plan
Do Procedures & Controls Project Execution Plan Structure & Responsibilities Structured training Environmental Planning Check Act P D A C Plan Do
Environmental Management Monthly internal QEHS Audits External Bi-annual Audits Act Do P D A C Plan Check
Corrective Action Plans Bi-annual Management Reviews Non- compliances Bi-annual Management Reviews Review Procedures Review Targets Identify Action for Continuous Improvement Check Do P D A C Plan Act
Policies, Objectives & Targets Reduce Environmental Risk New Procedures Action Plan Check Act Do P D A C Plan
Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) Key Strategy Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP)
Why Implement a SWMP Ensure legal compliance Excessive waste Costs Achieve / exceed client expectations Minimise cost implications Reduce environmental impact Up skill employees & supply chain Achieve competitive advantage
Key Objectives &Targets Reduce waste to Landfill by 50% Recycle 100% of Excavation materials Recycle 95% of Construction waste Use 20% of materials from recycled content
Waste Hierarchy
Cost of waste Cost of skip £120 Actual cost to business £1,200 upwards
Rubbish found in Skips Two year old girl Two kittens 1st World War tank shell 5 painting worth over £100million Original Star Wars helmet £40,000.00
Preparation Signed up to SmartWaste Waste Minimisation Responsibilities Forecast types & quantity Identify waste management routes Efficient material handling
Implementation Duty of Care Training & Communication Measure actual types & quantities Waste leaving site Soil removed from site Soils reused on site Monitor implementation
Review Report deviation from plan Cost Savings Monthly report to Senior Management
Targets Achieved Recycled Diverted from Landfill 100% of Excavation materials 95% of Demolitions 95% of Construction materials Diverted from Landfill 98% Materials with a recycled content 20%
Future Direction BES 6001 Sustainable Procurement of Materials Supply Chain Environmental Accreditation Provide evident of materials Recycled content Buy in waste reduction measures (SWMP)
Future Direction BREEAM (Good, Very Good, Excellent) Approved Accreditation Provide evident materials have recycled content Buy in to our procedures: SWMP Considerate Constructors Scheme
Future Direction Social Clauses Employ as % of contract value Long term unemployed Apprentices Placement students