Is the climate changing? The way you present the data affects your judgment Chris Goodall At Magdalen College School, Oxford March 2010
Oxford 1971–2000 averages Oxford (63 m AMSL) Max TempMin Temp Days of Air Frost SunshineRainfall Days of Rainfall 1mm Wind at 10 m Month[°C] [days][hours][mm][days][knots] Jan N/A Feb N/A Mar N/A Apr N/A May N/A Jun N/A Jul N/A Aug N/A Sep N/A Oct N/A Nov N/A Dec N/A Year N/A Source: Met Office Average
Oxford Location: 4509E 2072N, 63 metres amsl Estimated data is marked with a * after the value. Missing data (more than 2 days missing in month) is marked by -- Sunshine data taken from an automatic Kipp & Zonen sensor marked with a #, otherwise sunshine data taken from a Campbell Stokes recorder. yyyy mm tmax tmin af rain sun degC degC day mm hours Source: Met Office Source data available online
Oxford average daily maximum temperatures for three periods Source: Met Office
Oxford average daily minimum temperatures for three periods Source: Met Office
Average daily maximum (degrees Celsius) Average daily minimum (degrees Celsius) Summary Oxford data Source: Met Office
Number of months in year with over 100mm rainfall Source: Met Office
Number of months in year with over 100mm rainfall Source: Met Office
Number of months in year with over 100mm rainfall Source: Met Office
Number of months in year with over 100mm rainfall Source: Met Office
Number of months in year with over 100mm rainfall Source: Met Office
Number of airfrost days per year Source: Met Office
Number of airfrost days per year Source: Met Office
April airfrost days Source: Met Office
Average daily July maximum temperatures Source: Met Office
Average daily July maximum temperatures Source: Met Office
Average daily July maximum temperatures Source: Met Office
Average daily July maximum temperatures Source: Met Office
Average daily January minimum temperature Source: Met Office
Average daily January minimum temperature Source: Met Office
Average daily January minimum temperature Source: Met Office
Average daily January minimum temperature What did this chart look like five years ago? Source: Met Office
2010 * Average daily January minimum temperature And what about this year? Source: Met Office
Average daily maximum (degrees Celsius) Average daily minimum (degrees Celsius) Summary Oxford data Source: Met Office