Developing a G4 Public Mental Healthcare Monitor – Monitor Working Party – To measure is to know
Public Mental Healthcare Monitor Estimates of size Risk profiles Trends over time Public Mental Health Services Evaluations Benchmarking Indicators 9/25/20142
Starting Points Conceptual model Quality characteristics Strategy ─ Public mental healthcare ladder ─ Centre for Disease Control ─ Academic Collaborative Centres 25/09/20143
Conceptual model: Public mental healthcare ladder RungsTarget group 0,1Risk groups 2Vulnerable in the community 3Vulnerable in institutions 4Vulnerable on the street 9/25/20144 J. Wolf 2006
Quality characteristics Demand-driven Uniformity in definitions Origin of population Quality indicators 1.Simplicity 2.Flexibility 3.Quality of the data 4.Representativeness 5.Acceptance 6.Sensitivity 7.Predictive value 8.Timeliness 5 Buehler JW. Surveillance. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL. Modern epidemiology. 2008:
Strategy - Bottom up & top-down - 9/25/20146 National Regional Local Indicator Monitor
Rung 0, 1 Risk groups 9/25/20147 Social exclusion index Netherlands Institute for Social Research Health survey
9/25/20148 Maas, M., Planije, M.P. (2010). Monitor Plan van Aanpak Maastschappelijke Opvang (Social Support Action Plan Monitor): Report 2009, Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam. Utrecht: Trimbos Institute + User Working Party Rung 2 Vulnerable in the community
Rung 3 Vulnerable in institutions 9/25/20149 Undergoing treatment for dependency on opiates or cocaine (injecting/smoking): source National Alcohol and Drugs Information System/Foundation for the Provision of Care Information Municipal boundaries 2010: source Statistics Netherlands
Rung 4 Vulnerable on the streets 9/25/201410
Collaboration 9/25/ Socially Vulnerable Groups Monitor Public Mental Healthcare Theme Group