The eWorld eVerything, @nytime, eVerywhere P R O J E C T C O N S U L T Unternehmensberatung Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer GmbH DMS-EXPO, Essen 05.09.2000
Content Introduction From Document & Knowledge Management to eBusiness eBusiness is more than eCommerce The eWorld - Hype or Reality Future Trends
ePayment ePayment eBusiness W@P W@P eBusiness Port@l Port@l eInsurance Doc2Web eMail eMail eComponent eComponent eBanking eBanking eCommerce eCommerce ePayment ePayment eBook eBilling eBilling Groupw@re Groupw@re eBusiness W@P W@P eBusiness eSCM eSCM eShop eShop Port@l Port@l eGovernment eGovernment eLearning eDocument eDocument Doku@Web eProcurement eProcurement eCRM eCRM eFair @SP @SP eBPM eBPM eInsurance eInsurance Broker@ge Broker@ge Online B@nking Online B@nking @rchiving @rchiving eNet eWare B2B B2B Middlew@re Middlew@re eWorld eWorld M@nagement M@nagement B2C B2C eTrade eOffice eOffice eCash eCash eSolution eSolution eContent eContent
From Document & Knowledge Management to eBusiness
Document Management The Traditional Fields of Applications: Records Management Scanning Document Imaging Document Management Electronic Archiving eForms COLD Groupware Workflow
8 Sources of Knowledge Management Groupware and Office Communication Document Management Continuation of Management Information Systems Enterprise-Portals Multimedia DataBases and DataWarehouses Automatic Categorization and Agents Development of ERP-Solutions Revival of Expert Systems
Future directions of Knowledge Management From a Dimension of other Disciplines to a Discipline in its own Rights From Strategic Initiatives to Routine Practice From Inward Focus on Knowledge Processes to External Focus of today‘s HR Managers and CIOs From best practices to breakthrough Practices From Knowledge Codification and Databases to tradable Knowledge Assets
Future directions of Knowledge Management From Knowledge Processes to Knowledge Objects From Knowledge Maps to Knowledge Navigators/Agents From Knowledge Centers to Knowledge Networks From Knowledge Communities to Knowledge Markets From Knowledge Management to Knowledge Innovation
eBusiness is more than eCommerce
eBusiness and eCommerce trade on a different plattform, but with the same mechanisms (the logistic companies will win the supply chain management war) transition from paper based to electronic based transaction mainly B2C and B2B strategies based on internet and extranet eBusiness eCommrce is only a part of eBusiness eBusiness includes the internal processes and information infrastructure like document management, knowledge management, workflow, ERP, email, databases etc. mainly B2E plus provision of transactions and information for the relevant B2C and B2B processes as interface to the „outer world“ eBusiness is focussing on portal technologies for internal and external use
The eWorld - Hype or Reality
Hype or Reality On a middle-term Basis only a Vision Standardized Solutions necessary for broad acceptance Growing together of so far independend Tool-Categories Data Bases, Agents and Search Machines grow to Knowledge Engines Absorbtion of conventional Areas by Knowledge Management special niches, e.g. long-term Archiving, will survive as Base Services for other Applications
Future Trends
Trends Document Management as Backbone Services Automatic Categorization Content Management and XML ASP and DM-Outsourcing Electronic Longtime Archival Portals
Information Aggregation & Publishing The Portal Star Retrieval Groupware Excalibur Microsoft PC DOCS FULCRUM Lotus/IBM Dataware Radnet grapeVine Knowledge Management ERP Hyperwave Semia Verity InfoImage Intraspect SAP (mySAP) Autonomy Meta Systems Guild Gorechange PeopleSoft Oracle Portal J.D.Edwards Knowledge Track USU Ariba Verge Perspecta Top Tiar Coextant Datachannel Sqribe Sagemaker Viador Hummingbird Information Advantage Intranet Solutions Giyphica Epicentric Information Aggregation & Publishing Aaneid SER Business Intelligence Portera OpenText Documentum Inktomi Infoseek CE AG AOL/Netscape Yahoo! Dokumenten- Management Internet Source: Delphi Group
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