Leader: Pavia (Francesca) Members: Bacău (Elena) Besan ҫ on London (Simon) Paris (Assane) Sevilla (Valle) Tallinn (Olga) Uppsala (Katarina) WEB-RADIO Paris, January objectives and activities -
Objectives Dissemination Advertising the project Kaleco’s web site Archive of transmissions + link Rising awareness Audience
Participants Students (Erasmus + degree) Romanian Students of the theater group in Bacau Teachers for immigrants Researchers on multiculturalism Students of Linguistics Representatives of national minorities
Timeline I October the 23th no partners connected II October the 28th. Uppsala connected III November the 11th London connected IV November the 25th Tallinn connected V January the 20th Bacau connected VI February the 10th Sevilla planned VII February the 24th Paris planned VIII March the 10th Tallinn planned IX March the 24th work in progress
Topics I (discussed) The impact with a new culture Immigration and racism in Sweden, England, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy The problem of integration at school and in the society The woman and her stereotypes Differences between Estonian, French and Italian woman The woman in the mass media
Topics II (discussed) Being a foreigner student in Romania What “Europe” means for Romanian students The theater project Interviews to Romanian people Integration with Romanian students Linguistic medium for Romanian students to learn French
Topics (planned) Teaching process and dealing with immigrants Integration of immigrated families Multilingual theatre in Pavia Festivale de langue National minorities Pedagogie de project
Evaluation Feedback from participants Questionnaire Feedback from partners Questionnaire
Questionnaire for participants 1. Whether the activity made you thinking about multilingualism and multiculturalism? 2. Do you feel more aware about the topic you have discussed today? 3. Did you find it interesting to exchange the ideas with people from another country? 4. Have you learned anything new about your interlocutor’s culture/place of living? 5. Did you enjoy the activity? Why? 6. To your opinion, do the activities of Kaleco encourage better understanding of intercultural context?
Questionnaire for partners 1. Was it difficult to find relevant people for the interview? If yes, please specify. 2. Whether transmissions were arranged properly? If not, please explain. 3. Was there a good contact between the partners, were all involved? 4. To your opinion, was this activity complementary to the overall goal of the project? 5. Can this activity be further developed? Suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for your attention! Merci pour votre attention! Спасибо за внимание! Aitäh teie tähelepanu eest! Grazie per la vostra attenzione! Gracias por su atención! Tack för er uppmärksamhet! Dieuredieuf ci seen tewaye! Vă mulţumesc pentru atenţie! Danken Ihnen für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!