I. The Background
Lk.16:1, parallels Steward (manager), 1 Co.4:2; 1 Pt.4:10 There was a certain rich man 16:116:19 Wasting goods16:115:13
Lk.16:2-8, two lessons 1. Prepare for future 2. Account for work Lk.16:9, the application Prepare for future by good stewardship
Lk.16:10-12, the warning 11 = 9 If you are not faithful when someone requires it, you will be more unfaithful when on your own Lk.16:13, the choice Everyone must choose. Josh.24:15
symptom Lk.16:14, symptom of sin (love of money) Ridicule what troubles the conscience No one is more hopeless than one who mocks Word of God Steward cheated rich man. Lk.20:47 source Lk.16:15, source of sin (approval of men)
Lk.16:16-18, keepers or corrupters of law? John’s baptism, 16. (Lk.7:29-30) God’s law, 17. (Traditions) MDR, 18. (Frivolous divorces) Lk.16:19-31 Now – Then
I. The Background II. The Future
Lk.16:19, the rich man Fared sumptuously: lavishly; show off His gods: Earthly show-off – eternal object lesson People envy this type Self-indulgenceEarthly honor
Lk.16:20, earthly injustice will be corrected In the meantime, two dangers: The immoral: think their prosperity will never end The righteous: Grow weary Complain Lose hope
Lk.16: , Lazarus wears sores, desires crumbs, has the worst neighbors Satan lost 22a, Satan lost Satan won 22b-23, Satan won Abraham’s bosom: Mt.8:11; Jn.13:23 Abraham was rich too Torments: conscious; pain
Lk.16: , rich man neglected principle in 16:9 Now he is the beggar 25, “but now…” (cf. 12:18) Rich man’s two pleas, denied: Does he think Lazarus is his servant? Personal comfortBrothers
Lk.16:26-31, an awful destiny 26, justice forbids relief 27, if no hope for me… 28, choices here – destiny there 29-30, readers receive what is denied his brothers (Mt.16) 31, the problem: Not lack of evidence Rebellious heart
I. The Background II. The Future III. Death Opened The Rich Man’s Eyes
Lk.6:20-26 Praised, 26Hated, 22 Laugh, 25Weep, 21 Full, 25Hunger, 21 Rich, 24Poor, 20 WoesBlessings The Rich Man Poor Lazarus
After death, the rich man saw… 1. Death is not the end; just the beginning 2. God kept a record of his sin 3. Satan lied to him. Jn.8:44 4. Every opportunity to be saved is gone 5. It is not enough to avoid hurting others 6. His riches meant nothing to him
“Riches promise much, and perform nothing: they excite hope and confi- dence, and deceive both: in making a man depend on them for happiness, they rob him of the salvation of God and of eternal glory”
Warnings: Some start thinking of others only when it’s too late Death changes minds. V.28 I did it “my way” If we miss heaven... (Jn.3:16) Israel: Golden calf Rich man: Golden