I.Three Rs Of Salvation: Redemption, Result, Renewal
1. Redemption What? Wealth in Christ Ro.11: :1 2. Result So what? Walk in Christ “Therefore”: fourth major consequence in Romans
“Therefore” in Romans 1 condemnation, 3:20 2 justification, 5:1 3 assurance, 8:1 4 dedication, 12:1 “Therefore” in 12:1 Hinge on door that links one room to another Bridge from justification to consecration
1. Redemption What? Wealth in Christ Ro.11: :1 2. Result So what? Walk in Christ 3. Renewal Way? Workmanship in Christ Ep.2:10, handiwork Renewed mind: control thoughts
The renewed mind Muscle memory How to renew the mind? 1. Remember mercies of God, original commitment, Rv.2:4-5 (1 Co.11) 2. Think like Christ, Ph.2:5 (7-8) 3. Put off / on, Ep.4:22, Feed on Word of God Renewed in spirit of mind (23) Therefore, putting away… (25)
The Word & Renewal Tit.3:5 2 Co.4:4, blinded minds 2 Co.3:18, transformed Holy Spirit Renewed mind Ep.3:3-5 Rv.2-3
I. Three Rs Of Salvation II. Two Rs Of Sanctification: Renewed Reasoning
1. Change thinking about God, 1-2 Living sacrifice …better than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices –Mk.12:…33 Summary of OT sacrifices: 1 Reconciliation 2 Thanksgiving
A living sacrifice (Ro.3:13-18) Eyes. Mt.5:28-29 Tongue. Mt.12:36-37 Ears. Mt.13:9; Pr.4:23 Hands. 1 T.2:8; Is.1:15 Feet. Pr.6:18 (1:16)
1. Change thinking about God, 1-2 Living sacrifice Transformed life I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me – Ga.2:20
2. Change thinking about ourselves, 3 Four ‘thinks’ Natural tendency of man: exalt himself Ro.1-11, pardoned at great cost Underestimating is wrong, Mt.25:25-26 Affects view of God, 12:1-2 Affects view of self, 12:3
3. Change thinking about church, : many members, one body 5: all have gifts (1 Co.12) 6-8: gifts differ. Mt.10: : good haters and lovers 11, zealous servants 12-13, hoping, enduring, praying… 14, they curse; you bless 15-16, rejoice; united
4. Change thinking about enemies, Avoid personal vengeance because: 1 vengeance belongs to God, 19b 2 kindness gets better results, 20 3 vengeance destroys us too, 21
Change thinking about God 2. Yourself 3. Your brothers 4. Your enemies “Consecration isn’t our giving anything to God. It is our taking our hands off what already belongs to God”