I. Ten Lepers
Disease broke down barrier between Jew and Samaritan All Had leprosyWanted a cure Heard of JesusAsked for help Obeyed HimWere healed
Lepers 1. Stood afar off (12). Lv.13: Addressed Jesus as Master (13) 3. Cried for mercy (13) Most begged for alms. Ep.3:21
I. Ten Lepers II. One Lord
Divine Power (Lk.17:14) He said Power of His word He sent Tests faith 2 K.5 He saved They were cleansed
I. Ten Lepers II. One Lord III. One Samaritan
A Samaritan thanks a Jew! 1. Grasped Healer, not the healing 2. Gratitude, 2 K.5:14-15; Lk.4:27 3. Glorified God w. loud voice 4. Gave thanks, on face, at Jesus’ feet Lk.9:52-53Lk.10:33Jn.4:1-9
I. Ten Lepers II. One Lord III. One Samaritan IV. One Savior
Three Questions, One Statement 1. Q: 1. Q: were there not ten cleansed? 2. Q: 2. Q: where are the nine? 3. Q: 3. Q: are you, a foreigner, the only one who returned to give thanks? 4. S: 4. S: your faith has made you well. Mt.8Mt.15Mk.6
I. Ten Lepers II. One Lord III. One Samaritan IV. One Savior V. Lessons
1. Jesus is Lord Master (13) over disease Sin is the worst disease Great Physician can heal every sin- sick soul that comes to Him
2. Word of Jesus is powerful (14) It still does the work God intended It can save every sinner Ro.1:16 It can expose every heart Hb.4:12
3. Miracles of Jesus display His great power (14) Jn.6 Distance healing (12, 14; Lk.7; Jn.4) Demonstration of His power Death Demons Disease Material things Nature
Things you never see at a Pentecostal “healing” service 1. Leper cleansed, Mt.8: Deaf man’s hearing restored, Mk.7:31… 3. Ear replaced, Lk.22: Blind man’s sight restored, Jn.9 5. Dead man raised, Jn.11:38-44
Things you often see at a Pentecostal service 1. Disorder 2. Collections 3. Women preaching 4. People who claim they were healed, or know someone who was 5. Blind men who leave w/o their sight
4. Some stand far off From Jesus (12, 18) His healing drove nine farther away Some Christians stand afar off Not thankful for salvation (Hb.10) No heart in worship (Rv.2:4) Not involved in work (“They”)
Jesus, the insurance policy 1 K.21 Some love His gifts but forget the Giver Two groups suffered from ingratitude: Jews Jn.1:11 Jn.10:32 Gentiles Ro.1:21 2 Tim.3:2
5. Foreigners often outdo people of God (18) So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light – Lk.16:8 Jews boasted of privileges God’s goodness drew one man closer
6. Nature of saving faith (19) 1. When 1. When were they cured? After they showed their faith 2. How 2. How were they cured? Power of Lord. Cf. 2 K.5