“The darkest fact in man is sin. The grandest fact in God is forgiveness” Biggest problem w. sin is the “I” in the middle of it What cannot take away my sin?What cannot take away my sin?
I. Distance Won’t Do It Ps.139:7-12 –We can see actions of a few; God knows thoughts of all (2) –Ac.5:1-11 –Mk.12:41-44 Some think God is too distant to care –Lk.15:13…
II. Ignorance Won’t Do It Mt.28:19, if ignorance saves, then teaching is a great disservice Ac.10; 11:14-15, ignorant, but lost
III. Time Won’t Do It Ac.2:38 Time had erased some sins from their memory They still needed forgiveness If obedient, God would forget (Hb.8:12) 2 Pt.3:8
Time Does Not Affect God Gn.6: Pt.3:20 Gn.15:13-16 (Joshua) 1 Sm.15:32 –Ex.17; Dt.25:17-19
IV. Mere Reform Won’t Do It Ep.2:8-10, good works will not save from past sins Ahab: 1 K.21: Reform is not repentance He feared punishment, not law of God (cf. chap. 22) He changed his ways, not his heart (cf. chap. 22)
V. Human Reason Won’t Do It Col.2:8 Spoil Philosophy * Philosophers: ignore sin * 1000 years of classes w. wisest men on earth will not remove a single sin
Ignoring sin won’t make it go away Isa.5:20 – Pro.9:17-18 People still re-label sins: * greed = prudence * lasciviousness = new morality * slander = contending for the faith Jer.10:23 Ec.11:9
VI. False Religions Won’t Do It Mk.7:3-9 The worst sin in the world... Jews used it to hide hypocrisy 7, doctrines of men 8-9, “It’s good to wash hands” People trust spiritual leaders for salvation
VII. Excuses Won’t Do It 2 K.5:…10-14, amazing excuses Did he know more than the prophet? Excuses are habit forming...and fatal “It is easy enough to excuse yourself to hell, but you cannot excuse yourself to heaven”
What can wash away my sins? Jn.1:29, the Lamb Mt.26:26-28, the blood –Ac.22:16, the “when”