Review I : Modernism, inherited membership, compromise, indifference II : Prejudice; lack of qualified elders; half-converted members; hireling preachers; lack of zeal and enthusiasm
I I Tendency To Lose Sight Of Plea April 25, 1957, A. C. Pullias lecture, Where There Is No Pattern Printed as tract, T.1:16; 2 T.1:13 If no pattern, cannot oppose denominational baptism, Roman Catholic organization, etc.
“We do many things w/o authority” 2 Jn.9 Not different from denominational attitudes? E.g.: “NT doesn’t mention church buildings” Ignorant of general authority E.g.: “NT doesn’t mention church buildings”
The next generation… Goebel Music, Behold The Pattern! (1991) The Nashville Meeting Reuel Lemmons Reuel Lemmons: establishing authority by CENIis 18th century man-made rule Bill Swetmon Bill Swetmon: establishing authority by CENI has led to hardline patternism; the early church did not determine right and wrong in this way NT canon did not exist until 4th Century
II II Worldliness In The Church NT is replete w. warnings. E.g.: Ro.12:1-2 1 Jn.5:3-4, world = the evil sphere opposed to God, controlled by satan (2:15-17) If we don’t overcome the world, we lack faith; if we lack faith, we neglect the Word (Ro.10:17)
A Worldly Questionnaire: 1. Which would you rather do: spiritual or worldly things? 2. What would you rather talk about: the soul or the body? …earth or heaven? 3. Who would you rather please: God or peers, fashion crowd?
III III Opposition To Negative Preaching Bible preachers could not speak in many congregations today Jesus, Mt.23 Apostles, Ac.8:…20-23 Stephen, Ac.7:51-53 Epistles, 2 Tim.4:1-4 2 Sm.12
Preaching must be balanced Jesus did not say everything nega- tively (Mt.5-7; Rv.2-3) Everything He said challenges us to do better than we have been doing Je.6:14-20 Do you want an all-positive doctor?
Larry King – Joel Osteen King: “How about issues that the church has feelings about? Abortion? Same-sex marriages?” Osteen: “Yeah. You know what, Larry? I don't go there. I just” King: “You don't call them sinners?” Osteen: “I don't.” Ac.20:27
Young people are vulnerable Led into error through Bible studies Ga.4:17-18 Ep.4:14 Many don’t see the problem Some “gospel” meetings don’t help
IV IV Lack Of Love Among Members 1 Jn.4:20-21 There is something wrong when someone claims to love God but hates a brother or sister 1 Co.13:7 To protect by covering Many ways to violate this
“Affection cannot be commanded” Wrong! Ro.1:31, w/o natural affection (family love) Ro.12:10, pertaining to love or affection for those closely related to one, particularly members of one’s immediate family or in- group…fellow believers [L-N, 25.41] Love one another with brotherly affection Love one another with brotherly affection (ESV)