I Does Baptism Cleanse An Adulterous Relationship? Adultery takes place when a person joins himself to one person while still bound to another, Ro.7:2-3 Baptism does not change a sinful act (or relationship) into a holy one –Homosexual obeys gospel May he continue his practice? Do his practices become holy? Rv.21:8
Because he does… M A fornicatorS A homosexualI A liarT An idolaterP A thiefA After baptism he is: B Before baptism he is:
What is sin? 1 Jn.3:4 Does baptism change a sinful state into an acceptable one? –Polygamy?
Adultery is continuous action Mt.19:9 If adultery were a one-time act, when would the sin occur?If adultery were a one-time act, when would the sin occur? –At completion of marriage ceremony? (No) –At the first conjugal contact? (Yes) –Q: if their first contact is wrong, why not the second?
not If the second contact is not sinful… What made it acceptable? –Was it the first contact? –Nothing else has changed Does committing a sin make further sins sinless? Would this principle hold true for the homosexual?
Mt.19:6, God must do the joining If a marriage that God rejects becomes approved by baptism, then baptism becomes God’s means of approving two in marriage –Where does NT teach this?? Ro.7:2-3, adultery continues as long as the former spouse lives! –“Adulteress” as long as she is married to another man while her first husband lives
II Repentance Precedes Baptism Repentance demands that sinful acts and relationships cease –Repentance –Repentance: “To change one’s mind for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins: Mt.3:2…; ib. 8 and Lk.3:8…, i.e., conduct worthy of a heart changed and abhorring sin” (Th., 405) –Fruit –Fruit: “To exhibit deeds agreeing with a change of heart, Mt.3:8; Lk.3:8” (Th., 326)
Acts 2 Luke does not record everything Peter said (v. 40) –E.g.: Avoid denominationalism; quit homosexuality…? No one passage (not even Ac.2) records everything, or else we would not need the rest of the NT –Later writings record additional necessary information. 1 Jn.4:2-3
True repentance Ezr.9; 10:10-11, true repentance required separation Lk.3:3, 8, 10-14, John gets specific –If repentance is real, specific actions must follow
1 Co.6:9-11, what does repentance require? keep continue –A thief steals cars. After his baptism, may he: (1) keep his stolen cars? (2) continue to steal? keepcontinue –A homosexual obeys gospel. May he: (1) keep... ? (2) continue his practice? keep continue –An adulterer is baptized. May he: (1) keep his adulterous partner? (2) continue to practice adultery? Mk.6: Co.6:11
“Shall we continue in sin…?” (Ro.6:1-2) idolaterMay the idolater continue to worship false gods? thiefMay the thief continue to steal? adultererMay the adulterer continue in his adultery? No!! Baptism calls on us to repent, to change lives, not to remain as we were before
Death notice Col.3:3, died; 4, our life –5-8, once walked, lived in these sins (7) –Now: 5, put to death…; 8, put off all these… put to death –How would one “put to death”: polygamypolygamy? homosexualityhomosexuality? adulteryadultery?
dead while she lives “…dead while she lives…” (1 Tim.5:6) –Ro.6:23 –Is she not living in sin? –Homer Hailey denies that one can live in adultery: “To demand that a remarried divorced couple break their marriage covenant on the basis of repentance rests on the assumption that their marriage is ‘an adulterous marriage’ or that ‘they are continuing to live in adultery.’ This has not been proved by scripture…” (p. 72)
H.H. ignores Col.3 and 1 Tim.5:6 –He admits: “…fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, etc. would not inherit the kingdom of God in that condition” (p. 66) living in adulteryin that conditionWhat is the difference between “living in adultery” and “in that condition”?? –He admits his position “…opens the door to the free practice of divorce at will…” (p. 74)
Rv.9:20-21, “did not repent…” God is concerned w. their past Those who continue in sins have not repented To repent, they must put these things away – Jn.8:11 –Could she be forgiven if she kept on repeating the sin?
III What About A Christian’s Wives? If an unbeliever’s wives are washed away at baptism, why not say the Christian’s wives are washed away when he “repents” (= sorrow w/o putting away the mate)? –Both are forgiven by the same blood (Mt.26:28; Ac.2:38; 1 Jn.1:7) baptismprayer –What can baptism do for one that prayer cannot do for the other?
1 Co.5:13 put away the wicked“…put away the wicked…” Why? He has his father’s wife (5:1) –2 Co.2:6-7, the punishment was sufficient he no longer has his father’s wife –Why? Only one thing changed: he no longer has his father’s wife 2 Co.12:20-21, “…which they have practiced” –One who does not stop sinning has not repented
Nineveh repented Mt.12:41, they repented. God saw their works turned from Jon.3:10, they turned from their evil way